1. What type of mood are you generally in on a rainy day? Usually hopeful. Often this is due to a lifting of the sinus-busting pressure before the rain. I love the ozone smell after a thunderstorm especially, and I'm sure the groovy ions in the atmosphere feed into that.
2. What are your favorite things to do when the weather is gloomy? Curl up with tea or cocoa and a good book, or an arty movie I've been meaning to watch.
3. Have you ever been kissed in the rain? (I'm assuming you don't mean by my kids.... ;-) No. But I'm certain I would like that a lot!
4. After the rain stops, do you continue what you were doing, or do you run outside to do something else? Hm. I used to run out and splash in the puddles, but it's been a while since I had rain boots. Splashing barefoot, while something I like to do, is not that good and example for my kids at present. I worry about broken glass or other hazards.
5. What is your favorite drink/food to have when it's raining outside? The aforementioned cocoa or tea.