Миссия российской молодежной организации - вынюхивать нелегальных мигрантов

Sep 05, 2013 09:44

О нашем районе написало известное издание The New York Times.

As dusk fell, nine young men gathered on a leafy street in Chertanova, a bedroom community on the outskirts of Moscow. Their hair cropped short, some put on surgical masks and thick work gloves. Aleksei Khudyakov, their leader, issued final instructions like a platoon leader briefing his soldiers for a raid.
At the apartment building in Chertanova, the young men of Moscow Shield did not need to break in; the door was unlocked. The group entered an apartment with five men inside and beds for 12. A dozen pairs of slippers lay on the floor. The smell of a plov, a Central Asian rice dish, wafted through the house.

мигранты, организация, миссия

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