Dec 20, 2007 09:16
Stolen from Maria Roberge, who I hopefully get to see THIS WEEKEND!
**My 2007**
The year is ending!
answer the following about your year:
1) Where did you begin 2007?
The Sinitski residence with my Southern New Hampshire posse
2) What was your status by Valentine's Day?
I think the answer they're looking for is "single," but I was also sledding, hanging out with friends, and NOT GOING TO CLASS BECAUSE IT WAS A SNOW DAY! SUCH a good day.
4) How did you earn your money?
Mostly by sitting in a cubicle punching numbers, but at the end some people payed me money to play the oboe! It was awesome!
5) Did you have to go to the hospital?
I don't think so, but I did go to the health center a few days ago because I thought I might need stitches in my finger.
6) Did you have any encounters with the police?
Not that I can think of.
7) Where did you go on vacations?
Hmm... I don't think I really went anywhere out-of-the-ordinary. Well, I spent a week in Ithaca during the summer, but that's kind of it.
8) What did you purchase that was over $1000
My oboe! I'm going to be paying it off forever and ever, but it was worth it.
9) Did you know anybody who got married?
No, darn it. I've never gone to a wedding. Someone get married! And invite me!
10) Did you know anybody who passed away?
Two old friends and a colleague. It was a rough year.
12) Relationship status in July ?
Single, if you don't count Keith Lockheart. ;-)
14) Did you change jobs ?
Took some oboe gigs, but my old jobs stayed the same.
15) Are you registered to vote?
Umm.. no. I really should be though.
16) Who did you want to win Big Brother?
You know, I actually watched a lot of that with my mom over the summer, and I can't even remmeber who was on it.
17) Where do you live now?
Ithaca, New York. But later today I'll be back in Derry.
18) Describe your birthday..
You know, I really have no idea what I did on my birthday. I do remember that Ian made me a pumpkin cake with pink frosting. That was awesome.
19) What's one thing you thought you wouldn't do but did in 2007?
Nothing too ridiculous. I bought an oboe, but I kind of planned on that. I played principal in orchestra, I got paid several hundred dollars to play elsewhere, I wrote almost thirty pages of final papers in the last four days... it's been pretty ridiculous, but also really good.
20) What has been your favorite moment?
Well, Lindsay and I almost met Josh Groban (and she actually did meet him later... lucky...), but I think my favorite was the performance of Brahms 2. That was so awesome.
21) What's something you learned about yourself?
Haha, that I can write thirty pages of final papers in four days.
22.) Any new additions to your family?
23.) What was your best month?
Good question. I think probably November: junior recital, orchestra performances, individual e-mails from Jeff Meyer, NYSSMA with wind ensemble, lots of fun teaching.
(... Junior year is ridiculous. My life has nothing but music in it anymore. Not that I'm mad about that or anything, it's just that I can't really remember anything awesome that doesn't involve my music classes for the past four months.)
24.) What music will you remember 2007 by?
Josh Groban, Brahms 2, Dvorak serenade for winds, the "Enchanted" soundtrack :)
26.) Made new friends?
Yeah, a few I think
27) Best new friend?
Probably the freshmen oboes; they rule
28) Best new hotspot?
um, circle apartment 1905. Clearly.
29) Best movie you saw this year?
Haha. It's hard to think of the ones I saw earlier in the year. I know people will laugh at me if I say "Enchanted," so we'll go with Pirates 3.
30) Favorite gift of the year?
My oboe, although that was mostly my purchase. But "mostly" when you're talking about $7000 is still a really good gift.
31) Favorite Night out?
Probably Margaret's post-recital party. That was good times.
Have great Christmases, everyone, and I can't wait to see NH people soon!