Dec 02, 2004 08:42
I'm NEVER up this early! I've been up for an hour. I can't sleep. I am excited about going to SD today I guess. Also, I woke up a while ago with an awful headache and took Excedrin on an empty stomach. There's caffeine in those. Now I'm exhausted and wired and I have a belly ache.
I feel I am on the precipice of a huge change. Which, about to move 500 miles away, I guess I am. I suppose I am feeling all the normal emotions one would experience before such a move- nervousness, excitement, fear, stress. I know I'm gonna be glad to finally be down there but I HATE looking for a place, and applying, and packing, and rental trucks, etc etc. Not to mention the MONEY involved, and the actual physical moving aspect.
I have a journal on another site some of you know about but this girl from another part of my life has infiltrated the site and it's really bothering me right now...
Hope you all are well.