It's almost the New Year...2005 (Wow!)

Dec 30, 2004 08:28

So, yet another year draws to a close, and I find myself incredulous that it's going to be 2005 in two days. I haven't quite grown accustomed to the fact that we are in the 21st century yet.

Where IS my jet pack? Who stole my hovercraft?? This is what I want to know.

So, I've been doing quite a bit of thinking about things that have happened this year, both to myself, and my friends. It's certainly been a year of change! I moved to Atlanta, Gambit is in Iraq, I got a new car, Janet and Mike got married (!!) and got a new car, incidentally. I saw my first NFL game and MBA game this year. My brother got married. (I was waiting for the earthquake to split the church in half, but luckily we escaped unscathed.) My new sister-in-law is awesome, and I'm very happy to have gained a new sister, and happy that my brother is such a lucky guy. My dad left my step-mom, inexplicably and completely unexpectedly. And the kids..they are one year older again. I did NOT give them permission to do this, but I now have two teenagers, and the other two will be teenagers in less than 6 years.

And horror of all horrors, I will be 30 in 2005.

As the year draws to a close, I always like to reflect on what I've accomplished over the past year, as well as what I want to accomplish in the coming year. I must say that I did not do well in accomplishing my goals this year, but I am moving closer to where I would like to be, in many ways.

Now, Crystal, a dear friend of mine, is going through some difficult times right now. And she is so open about her struggles, so honest with herself, with everyone. It's impressive, to say the least, how she is able to be so forthcoming about what she is thinking and feeling every step of the way. It's amazing that she takes every event in her life as a chance to learn and grow, even when the events are harsh and unkind. I, on the other hand, tend to be rather taciturn when it comes to my journal. I internalize most of the bad, and have kept my journal as more of a record of events, than a way to express myself.

As a writer, one must learn to express oneself fully, to be able to lay it all out on the table, and share pieces of one's soul. I feel the need to explore myself more openly, through my journal, and be more open with my feelings and thoughts.

In the spirit of the new year, this is one of my "resolutions". I say "resolutions" because I find that proclaiming from the rooftop that you've made a New Year's Resolution seems to be the easiest way to break a promise to yourself.

I will be making a list of said "resolutions" though, and posting them here by the end of the year. I am making a pledge to myself that I will truly strive to make my goals for the coming year attainable, and I intend to keep my journal updated with the progress of my goals.
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