Apr 05, 2004 00:26
To all you video game lovers out there, I have a question. I may be interested in purchasing a video game console, but I haven't been in the loop since the days of Nintendo and Sega Genesis. Why the sudden desire to play video games, you ask? I have no idea.
My question is: What would you people recommend? X-Box, Dreamcast, Playstation, etc?
There are a few games I have in mind to check out, so I know what goes with what. Currently, the games that come to mind are Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Resident Evil.
Other than that, I'm somewhat clueless to this new generation of games. I'm from the old school, when Atari and Colecovision were the bomb, and now it's like comparing a penny to a hundred dollar bill. And I know for certain that if I do buy some games and a console, the first hour or so will be spent wondering exactly what to do with the joystick, er paddle... controller? See? Loop... me... not even in the same orbit.
All feedback will be muchly appreciated.