Feb 22, 2008 10:54
Why is it on Fridays i can't sleep when i NEED to?
I'm tired as holy fuck. And I've BEEN tired since - well. work last night. I'm contemplating calling in tonite. Maybe I'm so tired.. i'm *to* tired to sleep. Is that possible? No, actaully what happened was I got home later than usual this morning, so the adrenaline was keeping me going. but i didn't take a sleepy-time pill cause i need(ed) to wake up early to cash my check... and now i'm fucked. It's too late for sleep-aid medicine, and i've tried all my usual tricks to get me to sleep. none has worked. my mind just wont STFU. well. hmm. what now? just stay awake, and go about my day? idk :'(
coming back from all that time in corpus gets harder and harder everytime. either cause i feel bad for not seeing some people (i can't always sqeeze everyone in) or i've spent so much good q.t. with people that it hurts to come home. who knows. all i know is, when i'm tired like this, i can't turn my mind off. i think of 45670654798 things at a time. all important things that i need to think about. but still. what am i thinking about? GLAD you asked! Tattoos, car pymt, storage pymt, getting the laptop out of pawn, buying a new laptop, work, sleep, cutting, savanah, sydni, taylor, lisa, mom, dad, gramma, mommom, gen, mark (my mark), paul, edward, jon, more tattoos, the beach, my dogs, corpus, austin, work, hanging out with someone, alcohol, movies, money, buying stuff i want for my truck, oh the list never ends!
now i'll stop myself before this sparks even more thought, and this post becomes one big huge ugly mess.
note to self: when in doubt, go ahead and take the damn pill.