May 10, 2009 04:35
So I was thinking about getting her some more for Mother's Day. If I ever make it back home again lol!!
So my mom had this really elaborate hamster mansion thing - lots of tunnels and tubes and what not. There was a brown one, .. like a light brown... blonde maybe? And a Dark one... not black, but really dark brown. Anywho. One of them had just had babies, and she had them separated. Why? At the time I had no idea. So I figured they might want to be a family together. So I picked up the dark one, and put it in with the other one. And left the room. I had a very short attention span.
Long story short:
My mom only had one hamster when I went back the next weekend.
I was thinking of replacing them. Wad'dya think?
i'm stupid stupid stupid,