Feb 01, 2009 02:29
I've been awake since ~2:30pm Friday. No joke. Although, I had about 2 solid hours of nap sometime yesterday.
I'm so tired I have zero interest in typing the play-by-play. Sufice to say, my gramma (you know - the one who raised me and does everything a good mom and dad and gramma should do times 15?) is in the hospital. I have a tiny idea as to why she's there. Information is being sent to me via the 3 stooges (her 3 sons - my dad is in that mix) at a trickle.
I'm stressed and panicked beyond belief. On top of no sleep and being incredibly hungry. I hurt from the top of my ass crack to the top of my head. My stomach is in knots and I have heartburn. Oh, and I'm cold. I can't tell if I have to shit or puke. My head is THROBBING so badly that I want to cry. I just want to take a big fat sleeping pill (or 12) and sleep for a few days.