Jul 23, 2004 22:49
So...I actually kept alot inside of me today! Half a bagel, some crackers and peanut butter, and some applesause! WOO! My stomach isn't feeling too terribly bad, a little sickly still. Now it's my head mostly. It doesn't hurt that much, its more like pounding pressure around my eyes. Oh my lovely sinuses. The amoxicillian is supposed to be helping...but its not. It's like killing me to close my eyes for more than a second. Ice packs are a Godsend right now.
My sister (who is currently gimpy from a sprained ankle) and I watched chasing liberty and the butterfly effect tonight. The butterfly effect was AWESOME! I loved it. Earlier I watched the Made marathon on MTV. Heh, I made fun of all the silly people. Lots and lots of TV lately. Partially because the sun is making me ill (brightness if giving me headaches) and there is only so much I can read before I get a headache. DUMB headaches.