Hey guys I just wanted to announce that thanks to the genius of
iq80 Cherrystyle is going to be offering a few S2 layouts for you to download. Now before you start getting TOO excited, keep in mind that S2 is drastically different in terms of installing and heavily customizing. As such, we're not really going to be offering much in the way of help with that. I barely know enough about the system to install with inclusive tutorials, so I'm hardly going to be able to tell you what you're doing wrong.
So! That said, go ahead and make your way to the
Website and take a look if you're so inclined. Those of you that are familiar with S2, will be pleased I think.
And in other news, I appreciate that people from the community have been sharing my
Installing New Styles tutorial that I have up on my website. It's really great empowering people like that and I want to encourage you to show it to whomever needs it. But I've had a run-in with someone who abused my time and generosity, so please keep in mind the hard work of others does not mean you can do whatever you want. We work hard for no real reason other than to make our members happy, so please don't ruin it for them and be a jerk.
Thanks tons and have a good day!
Edit: Yes there are no picture previews of the S2 yet. Working on it heh.
Edit Edit: The previews are up :)