
Oct 09, 2007 23:43

I must say... life has a way of turning pretty crap at the worst possible time.

Ok, well, perhaps not so much "life" all around but right now I'm feeling pretty down. I have an unbelievable amont of work to do for nursing right now - I've already had one group talk and an assignment due this week, and I still have to finish an essay by friday, 2 human biol tests AND another talk due by next week! *headwall* And that would be TOLERABLE if I was in the best of health, but alas I am suffering weekly migraines now that I've had to go to the doctor for, and they aren't exactly inspiring me to sit down at my desk and study the hell out of my couse. I have exams, brain! Can't you torment me after them?

Plus I have to be up so early tomorrow to go on my second prac session and meet up with my patient. And I don't think I'll be able to as I've had a migraine all night and am feeling pretty damn exhausted from it. I just want to stay home in bed and rest my braaaain (and perhaps start on my essay... :S) - so I'm stuck with what to do. I'm freaking out that I'll end up failing this unit because of my health issues and I really don't feel like taking it all over again next semester.

I wish uni was a little more spread out, you know? Like... not just hurling 20 billion things at us all at once and call it the "sharp" end of the semester. WHY DOES THERE HAVE TO BE A SHARP END? WHY CAN'T IT BE MODERATELY POINTY? WHY DO YOU DO THESE THINGS WHEN EXAMS ARE IN A FEW WEEKS TIME?

On top of this the stress is getting to me relationship wise. I hate hate hate fighting with Chee and over the last week we've had a few of them due to stupid stress. More on my part I admit... I have been really overly sensitive... but whatever. Fights suck.

I love how I'm complaining about all of this on my journal and not actually DOING the work right now. But I'm fizzed out and don't think I can continue.
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