Spriiiiingtime for Hitler!

Sep 01, 2007 12:26

So... have a birthday party to go to tonight and have not as yet bought a present, or for fathers day either. Should go out but have a CRAPLOAD of human biol pre-labs to do. Depressing!

Chee and I went to Perf city yesterday and it was SUNNY!!!!!! I was so happy. Yay for Spring! I hath longed for thee.

I had subway and apple slices! Being healthy is awesome.

So Varekai is coming up on tuesday - and I was planning to go to dinner with Chee beforehand before I realised that WE BOTH HAVE UNI UNTIL 5. Bah. Which means we have to eat something fast and get our fancy butts down to the Grand Chapiteau by 8. Damn you Nursing and Health tute!

But still... *bounce bounce* am so very excited!! And I just found out that my good friend Erica is going the same night, and she's sitting close to us. So we shall catch up in the interval :P

Off to do human biol now. I got my essay in on time which is so relieving. Things are good uni wise.

cirque du soleil, subway and apple slices, uni, nursing

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