Jul 25, 2007 23:48
Just posting to say my surgery went ok. I went into hospital at 7am (I KNOW) and finally got into theatre at about 9 or so. Went under general and woke up in the first recovery room about an hour later and everyone around me had heart monitors on and were all sleeping :s then I realised I also had machines attached to me! The worst part of the whole thing was the IV drip! OUCH! That needle up your vein is frickin' huge....
My blood pressure was really low when I was in the second recovery room (where I spent about two hours with John and my mum there - thank God), something like 90 over 50 which, I don't need to tell my fellow medical peeps that that is not... so flash. So I had ot stay and keep getting my BP tried over and over again until it started rising. Only rose to 100 though (the average is 115 - 120) but at least it wasn't as worrying as before. I've always had low blod pressure.
They gave my ham and cheese sandwhiches which for hospital food were surprisingly ok! I also had Fox 8 on my tv! Kudos to Sir Charles Gaidener hospital! I'm seriously wanting to work there when I get my nursing degree... they are so good with after-care of paitents... I had a phone call from the hospital yesterday just to see how I was feeling.
I'm still in a bit of pain as the wound is all stitched up and whatnot; and also started sprouting stupid things to John while recovering from the effects of the general anaesthetic like telling him that his mum was one of the surgeons who was working on me, but I'm doing well. I have to go back next week to get my stitches out but so far I have to take quite a bit of pain killers that the hospital gave me.
Speaking of next week..... UNI STARTS! I have my introduction to nursing practice, nursing and health, sociocultural perspectives on health, human biology and microbiology. Eep! I also have a shiny sticker on my student i.d. that permits me into the anatomy labs... so I feel quite special :P I bought my lab coat the other day - my life goal is complete!
Well, I finished the HP book but that deserves a seperate entry I think. I'm going back to sleep now. Damn breasts.