Feb 15, 2005 18:07
Well i just got home and i ran staight to my life journal. Well okay i really didnt run and i also eat but you guys get the point.lol Well i guess someone is kinda mad at me because i said sorry for how someone FELT. I appoligized for making a certain friend cry and feel the way she does because of my imature actions. I didnt appoligize for what i said i just appoligized for how i took it and said it.. Soo Kill me. No not really. lol Well Im at the point where i dont want < NO MORE DRAMA.> Please cant you guys just figure out a way to talk this out. If not then, If you guys dont want to be each other friends and you guys need breaks from each other and your are done with each other then just stop with that. Just talk about it to each others faces and just stop this stupid . I SWEAR if you guys have a problem just say it to there face. If your mad at someone how are they gonna no if you dont tell them. There not a mind reader. Im not mad at anyone and i dont see any reason for anyone to be mad at me. If you are TELL ME!!!!