Sorry if i offend anyone

Jan 08, 2018 01:02

So this girl told me the other day that girls like me were a dime a dozen. um, i dont know how i am a dime a dozen, but to her i was, i think she said it was because it was because of my style or something like that. but anyway, it was funny, because she had really short black hair, which was flipped out in the back. she also had those black framed glasses, you know the fake ones. she wore a whtle shirt with a black sweater over it. lots of bracelets, and a fork bracelet. then she had on tight blue jeans, rolled up at the bottom with a pair of drawn on black low tops converse. it was actually pretty easy to discribe her, seeing as how there were 12 other chicks at the party that looked exactly liek her, and none that looked like me. but oh yes, i am a dime a dozen.
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