
Apr 01, 2005 13:58

Well here it is to all of you that bugged me to get a live journal. I've finally got one. I'm in school at the moment. 9th period art class. It might as well be a study hall. I never have to really work and my teacher doesn't care. He sympathizes with us beacause of our long day. He says 9th period should be a relaxing period. He's an awesome teacher. 12 days til my birthday!!! Wow that took a lot out of me to write all those exclamation points. I'm going on about 2 hours of sleep right now. I had 2 essays due today and a project. Plus I had to do all of my other homework. Fun fun. I'm really bored right now. 42 days til my Velvet Revolver concert!!! Darn it there's those exclamation points again. Anyays I can't wait to see Slash play.*sigh* It's too far away. Wow this entry is really boring. Is this what you're supposed to write about on here? Oh well if you just wasted your time reading about me then I'm sorry. I'm bored now and my short attention span is kicking in. Until next time fellow journalists.
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