May 06, 2010 14:16
I wouldn’t know cool if it punched me in the jugular,
See that’s how uncool I am. Who even says the word jugular?
And what haaaave I gotten myself into?
Opening up a can of worms like this,
Only leaves room for disappointment,
But I’m an undisappointed person cause I don’t allow the word in my life.
Although that never really works.
Time is being mean to me,
And my watch keeps ticking,
Only sound in the room.
I can’t wait till it shatters.
And I can run my head under the fiery ambush of bleach,
Anything for a new me
Cause this one thinks too much about watches.
I’m a cliché and I. Don’t. Care. WOO.
The discomfort burns all the way down to my twisted toes
I don’t even know how it happened, but I stole a kiss, robbed a little piece of happiness, but I guess I didn’t earn it cause it was taken all away. So now I have a chance to make a difference instead of taking it and I guess that’s my gift.
I still have my small rewards
Like holding my breath in a tunnel
At least I can still breath.
At least my gasps weren’t stolen from me.
I can still shout for Elvis and say “made ya look” when you fall for it.
When I was little I thought people were saying major luck. I didn’t get it.
Obviously I don’t get it.
That’s why anyone says anything.
They don’t get it. Major luck, major luck.
I don’t have major luck but if I made you look than I guess I did my job.
Look at what you have closely.
Did you earn it?
Neither did I.
So why did my soul get put here?
To find out that a kindred spirit isn’t always kind?
High liars suck, and high lighters run out of ink.
Blister in the thumb. I always seem to have one.
But there’s less on my feet.
We passed out just before we pushed beyond the brink of knowing.
Cause we can’t know too much or we go blind.
We have to be fair and all. Even if we never want to leave.
I got stuck at the top of the ferris wheel and the ones on the bottom look sadly up at me, but it’s the ones on the sides that I pity. No chance of escape, and they’ll never reach the top either. They’re stuck and they’ll never know what’s better. It’s getting hard in here, so turn off all your brains. Because what good does thinking do anyway? Just kidding. Cogito ergo sum. It means I think, therefore I am. Some dead guy said it. Obviously. Because no one alive today has said anything worth writing down. But it’s definitely worth saying out loud. And all of that’s not true. I’m just spouting useless prose at you and you don’t’ have to agree. Sometimes I don’t even agree with me. But how is it fair? The thing is, it’s not.
And I can cry all I want, but it’s not gonna do anything because as soon as the world takes one step forward to fix the boo boos there’s already three more cracks in the seams. Falling apart never did feel like a dream. I mean please, can I get a little humanity? Borrow it from a neighbor? I seem to have used up all of mine trying to bake brownies for starving children. I mean I can’t believe there’s a limit. And people are at their wits ends. They can just pretend like everything’s okay while they’re faltering. I’ll play mom and dad someday, but can I guarantee my kid won’t think drugs are the shit. I know I did. And maybe everyone does for five minutes. Sadly sometimes five minutes are fifty years and some people never learn. Can’t make them. It’s exasperating. I’m not exaggerating. I can’t even begin to compare to what’s out there. Despair, disrepair, a legion of vacant stares. And all the people march. Some cry out. Some whisper little incantations of degradation, a rotting source of each generation. And just to feel validation we walk on the dirty. Can their souls be saved? Most people are too tired with their own lives to even try. It SUCKS. I want to renew my faith in common values, feel respect for myself cause how else will I feel respect for the world. As I continue on my life I’ll think of parting words. I hope it’s something worth remembering.
i hate loving life sometimes,
positive solemnity,
optimistic cynicism,