Have a little Respect---

Jan 31, 2006 20:29

I'm female and I'm prone to men whistling at me but must they do it so cynically?!

I mean when a friend does it, it's alright 'cause they're just playing around...but when you're not even wearing anything revealing (I was wearing my favorite green-knit RL sweater and my favorite low rise- boot cut Levi's)AND when they notice two young girls coming up behind me AND still whistle! COME ON!!

I was ready to tell them off >:x

It's not like I'm against that and all but when they're apparent college "dudes" and I'm a high school-ian I think it's disrespecting me and my body. I'm not bad-looking, I know I'm not bad-looking and I'm being honest, I'm not oh-so-pretty either but everybody has that physical beauty-one just has to make it stand out---not so much as to feel like a prost--but you know.

What I found kinda funny though, was how older women like that. ;)

For example, the guy probably thought the lady who was way infront of me, walking ever so fast (my mom, who I can't remember the reason of why she was in a hurry)had already exited the bridge (but she hadn't) so it's very probable she heard it....*giggles* so then she glanced behind her to hurry me up, and she had this look which I immediately recognized. I'm not naive, I recognize that look very well, plus she doesn't exactly hide her interest in younger men. I know she's pretty for her age and all (and it doesn't help when they say that pretty soon me and her will look like sisters) but in less than a week she'll reach her 40's and having three kids (including me)I understand why she needs to feel liked by young men, especially now that she feels threatened by me. Which is sad, 'cause she's my mom and all, but oh well, I can't change her.

Anyhoo, what enraged me the most was that I couldn't tell the bastard and his friend to f*** off 'cause my little sisters had chosen to tag along with me behind my mom (she's not exactly the nicest person)and so I thought I would be a hypocrite if I also exposed them to that kind of language in a public place (not that they don't know the words :D)


That was not such a fun day...
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