so happy

Jan 11, 2005 07:56

omg im so fucking happy u dont even understand today is my last day of school for 6 days yay im so glad that im getting out of mrs greens fucking class she pissed me off so damn bad shes such a bitch ne ways im glad that all the drama between everyone is pretty much over i think that only drama now is between katie and adadm and brittney and adam hell im just glad that im not involved in it no drama 4 me ya
i dont no why im so happy today i mean damn im in school how can i be so happy
i dunno but i am and its realy weider well im guna go because i no that this journal entry is pretty much pointless oh adam i thought that u and angies 1 month was new years
but u said that uve made it 2 months so confused well ima go again
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