games games games

Nov 20, 2013 00:21

Every time I have a lot of work, I always want to play video games. Thank GOD I don't have my PS3 in Davis with me, or I'd be on that thing all the time. (Haha, just kidding, I would feel way too guilty and I'd get really hard on myself for not studying instead.)

Anyway, breyzyyin wrote a huge, long (amazing!) entry about the Mass Effect triology, and that got me wanting to talk about video games, but Honora is asleep and I'm sitting here in my room alone and listening to the rain like a sad teenager. So I went about finding a meme to fill out on Tumblr, and - yay! - I found an Assassin's Creed one. Phew! It's 11:41PM, and since I don't need to be at school until noon tomorrow, we should get this show on the road:

Day 1. Favourite Game

Assassin's Creed III is my absolute favorite in the series. I should probably duck to avoid incoming tomatoes because I'm not gushing about any of the games from Ezio's triology. Truth be told, I didn't think I was going to like this game AT ALL. Was Ubisoft literally dragging me from the Italian Renaissance to the American Revolution? I actually know nothing - I mean NOTHING - about American history, so I went into this game blind. People complain that Assassin's Creed III is super depressing - and I somewhat agree. But I'm not the kind of person who's going to ignore an amazing plot and fantastic characters just because I have to pause and bury my head in my hands every other sequence. Assassin's Creed III was everything an Assassin's Creed game should be - and I truly believe that making Connor Native American (& half-British, I suppose, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't see that in himself as much) was one of the best decisions Ubisoft has ever made. It was interesting dealing with the subtle (and not so subtle) racism, and it was interesting to feel rejected and out of place in a land that technically 'belongs' to your character and his people. I don't think that Ezio had that kind of dynamic with any part of Italy, and neither did Altair with the Middle East. What I loved the most about this game, though, was the fact that the lines were so blurred - I was so sure that fighting for the assassins was the right thing to do, and then this game came along and crushed that. Are the Templars doing what's best? I HAVE NO IDEA STAY TUNED

Day 2. Favourite Character

Ratonhnhaké:ton, or Connor (Assassin's Creed III). I think one of the major critiques people had with Connor was that he was far too stoic for them - and I kind of want to smack those people upside the head, because given his backstory it made SENSE for him to be so stoic. I love Connor's sense of self, and how much he wants to just fix everything. It sometimes comes off as extremely naive of him, but that only adds to his character. There was something soothing about playing as a character that kept to himself - he was so quiet, in fact, that you sometimes forget his suffering. Overall, I found him to be incredibly well written and deep. Male gamers I've spoken to (i.e., my friends' boyfriends) absolutely hate Connor and I have a theory about that. It appears that some dudes - specifically the ones in my age group or younger - have this weird desire to play as men who are classically masculine because it gives them a chance to live through them. Classic masculinity is, according to society, extremely attractive to partners, and so video games are a kind of way to live through somebody who is a perfect example of this. That's why male gamers were absolutely in love with Ezio - he was smooth, suave, handsome and had a way with the ladies. Connor, on the other hand, was a bit awkward, very shy and non-confrontational and...well, there weren't any lady encounters in Assassin's Creed III, to say the least. Not all dudes are like this, though - just some, and they're usually a bit insecure themselves. Mind, this is just my opinion - if you're male and reading this, don't take offense! I'm sure you're better than that, and appreciate a well-written character just as much as the next girl.

Day 3. Least Favourite Character

Cesare Borgia (Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood) and Charles Lee (Assassin's Creed III). Cesare, because he was absolutely nuts, and Charles because I do not appreciate a man who has his head so far up his ass that he can't see what's going on in front of him. With that said, I'm weary of every Templar character because I just can't get behind their whole 'order and control' crap.

Day 4. Altair, Ezio or Desmond?

Right, this meme was definitely written before Assassin's Creed III or IV came out, but I'll choose one just because I don't want to have to reiterate why I liked Connor so much. I'll go for Ezio, because I didn't like Desmond and Altair was sadly underdeveloped.

Day 5. Favourite Book or movie

I'm not neck-deep in this fandom, so I don't have one!

Day 6. Favourite weapon

Where was the bow and arrow all my life? Assassin's Creed III let me kill people silently and FROM A DISTANCE. What more do you want?! I also loved Connor's tomahawk. If those two aren't available - basically, if I'm playing any of the other games - SWORDS SWORDS SWORDS.

Day 7. Favourite Outfit

I'm quite partial to Connor's wolf outfit in the Tyranny of King Washington DLC. I enjoy the regular assassin robes, though, and I like to have my characters dress in the ones that have been dyed deep shades of red or something like that. Whatever's nicest to me at the time! I'm not very picky.

Day 8. Assassins or Templars?

I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE. A...ssassins? Yeah, we'll go with that.

Day 9. Favourite Quote

"On this land, I am torn. Part of me wants to fight and repel all outsiders. The other part of me is the outsider. In the name of liberty, I will fight the enemy regardless of their allegiance. While men of courage write history of this day, the future of our land depends on those who are truly free." How's THAT for a trailer quote? I actually wasn't hooked, but after I put things into context this quote makes me want to curl up and die because this game was so sad ugh.

Day 10. Favourite Assassin

If we're talking about NPCs here, it was definitely Yusuf from Assassin's Creed: Revelations. He loved bombs, he was hilarious, and his friendship with Ezio was super charming.

Day 11. Favourite Templar

NONE OF THEM. Okay, fine, Haytham Kenway (Assassin's Creed III). I enjoyed his dry wit, but he did do a ton of things that bugged me massively. I feel on the whole that Ubisoft screwed him over with their writing near the end, but that is a whole other discussion.

Day 12. Favourite Scene/moment

Goddamnit, I don't remember enough to cite anything specific. Oh, wait, ALL THE HOMESTEAD MISSIONS FROM ASSASSIN'S CREED III. Holy crap, I loved those missions. I don't even do side missions usually, but the homestead missions were all about building up the homestead and they were so precious ahhh.

Day 13. Which character are you most like?

Uh, none of them. Trust me. I can't even kill a spider without feeling immensely guilty even though I hate them.

Day 14. Your Favourite Place?

Florence (Assassin's Creed II), Istanbul (Assassin's Creed: Revelations), Jedah (Assassin's Creed) and the Davenport Homestead (Assassin's Creed III). Assassin's Creed IV is super water based, so I'm just like, 'Oh, look, an island,' and I haven't really developed any kind of fondness for a certain place.

Day 15. If you had to pick a character to save you, who would it be?

Screw it, I'll save myself. You know, by running for it and stuff. And hiding in convenient bales of hay like a true assassin.

Day 16. If you could kill off a character to bring back another, who would they be?

I'd kill off the faceless person you play in Assassin's Creed IV to bring back Desmond. I feel like there is such a disconnect now that they've gotten rid of him. I hated Desmond, but it was a stupid move on Ubisoft's part.

Day 17. Favourite Pairing (Doesn’t have to be canon. If you don’t have one just choose to characters who you like as friends)

Romantically, Ezio and Sofia. Their romance in Assassin's Creed: Revelations was totally cute and I loved Sofia. As for friendships, I really enjoyed the relationship between Connor and Achilles in Assassin's Creed III.

Day 18. Most difficult Assassination?

This wasn't necessarily an assassination, but defeating Washington in the Tyranny DLC was such a pain in the ass.

Day 19. Favourite Music

I really like the track 'Ezio's Family' from Assassin's Creed II. It really captured the feeling and depth behind that game - which, by the way, is my second favorite game after the third installment. Hey, I'm not completely against the Assassin's Creed II trilogy.

image Click to view

Day 20. Favourite Voice

Gosh, I don't know. Ezio, I guess?

Day 21. Assassin’s Creed I or Assassin’s Creed II?

Assassin's Creed II is one of the best video games I've played ever - it's plot was mindblowingly interesting and the setting was gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous.

Day 22. Your favourite Ezio

I think I preferred Ezio the most in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. He still had enough rascal in him to make him likeable, and that was mixed with a certain kind of maturity he didn't have in Assassin's Creed II.

Day 23. Least favourite Voice

Hey, if you're annoying to kill off, then I probably hate you and your goddamned voice.

Day 24. Favourite Non Assassin/Templar

Sofia from Assassin's Creed: Revelations. A quick witted bookstore owner? Yes, please!

Day 25. Saddest Scene/moment?

In order to avoid spoilers: the ending of Assassin's Creed: Revelations and in Assassin's Creed III. Assassinating a certain Templar (and a certain good friend) in Assassin's Creed III was also upsetting to me.

Day 26. Funniest Scene/Moment?

Hmm. Beating the crap out of Claudia's douchey fiance in Assassin's Creed II, I think.

Day 27. Least favourite Scene/Moment?

90% of Assassin's Creed III is super sad, but it's also very raw and Ubisoft took risks with that game. I have to respect that.

Day 28. Funniest quote/character

Ezio was easily the most entertaining to me, followed by Yusuf.

Day 29. Character you think had the least satisfying death.


Day 30. Least favourite Game

Probably Assassin's Creed I. It was super repetitive and Ubisoft was just getting started with the series. If you're interested in Assassin's Creed - which you should be, because they're majorly gripping and lovely - I'd read a quick summary of Assassin's Creed I and move onto II.

Phew! You don't have to read that, I just wanted to get it out of my system. Good night!
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