(no subject)

Jan 30, 2005 09:13

yea haven't written forever, b/c I like to think I don't have time but heh I seem to have time to read everyone's posts -.-

yea...so life....well its been a "swell hell" -a quote from a teacher heh

I've been busy coaching volleyball, then going to work at games, then 'going' to games, hanging out with friends..which at this point is with mostly Megan and Lara, then....hmm...Trying to get a fucking job >.<

I applied at Liquid Resins but yea...they haven't called me..."no one" calls me for jobs.. bleh :P

I just want to say screw it and just go do nothing but yea..Megan has softball coming up later in February, so I'm going to try and fill in for her whenever she's working


oh..let's see I think it was umm...Thursday night after the game...walked out of the game with Lara and Dylan with Dylan wearing Lara's S size jacket hehe

went to my car and sat for a while to heat it up and I start blowing on the window to make fog since I was bored.

turn around to take a drink and turn back

and suddenly DYLAN's at the window making a devil face at me through the fog @.@;;;;;

I about pissed my pants, but I screamed twice...heh first was b/c I didn't know who it was...second b/c I realize it was Dylan and I was pissed.

he was wearing his black trenchcoat...so that scared me a bit...thought it was a stalker >.<

but yea...afterwards he jumps up and down laughing then I asked where Lara was b/c I needed to ask her something...then he runs off to find her, but ended up talking to someone in a PT Cruiser.

I drove around the Parking Lot and I saw my CAR!!!!!!!!!!!! @_@

it was exactly the same, silver, Lexus GX 470, charcoal interior, GPS, DVD, EVERYTHING


but yea....whoever's car that was...was cleaner than mine..heh and yea...that and the license plate were the only two differen't facts that it wasn't my car.

b/c yea..well..I "was" driving my car, dunno -.- sorta freaked for some odd reason...

I blame Dylan.....

I was going to leave a note on the car saying "You stole my car" or "Lemur"

hehe dunno what that would accomplish..but yea...I blame Dylan

oh and had a nightmare about Dylan as well...

and it continued on last night...

bleh >.<

though the end was sorta funny

I'll reminence later.

anyhow...Today...have an Ambassador meeting in Hutsonville... >.<

and yea...have to make my damn plant and animal cells >.<

I tried to use jello....but jello doesn't agree with me... -.-

and I don't think I made it right...heh

Yesterday had a little temper and yea....ended up cleaning the kitchen

oh and yea. for my anical cells project, tried to hammer a plastic golf ball in half so yea..

we "have" to have a nucleolus -.-

but hammering doesn't really work...heh.

ended up hitting the golf ball really hard with no support on the ball and the ball shot straight to my bad knee...

and yea..almost started bawling... it throbbed and was red forever and now it turning into a bruise >.<

anyhow now..well.. I need to shower..

and go to walwart to return some stuff and buy some stryofoam balls.

and I want to change my LJ look..but -.- lazy.

oh...I need to put up pictures ^_^ oh yea...my with my short hair now..and then...of Dylan with his wicked face >.<

oh I recorded Lara and her 1 2 Step Rap :D :D

and that is also now my phone tone ^^

oh getting a new phone soon so yea....look for that on my LJ whenever..

I'm trying to keep my old number...b/c well..everyone has it and I don't feel like retelling it to ppl...

too much of a hassle.

oh! Friday night after the game. Megan and Lara and I went to Joe's for dinner with Dylan and then later on Jared, Becca, Luke and Steven came.

I found out that my phone can dance :D :D :D :D :D

thanks to Luke ;)

well...actually..it just spins and stops at "1 2 Step" and spins again..and :D its sweet ^^

I wanna get "Flight of the Bumblebee" on my phone...but my phone is stupid and doesn't support it -.-


well..probably should shower...and try and run to walmart...then...umm..

shit... I still need to do this stupid journal thing for Ambassadors...


oh yea...I got picked to write an essay for a contest...dunno if I want to do it..

I hate it when people pick me to write shit....b/c well..I'm not very good at writing -.-

its reading all these books that help..

but whatever..

if anyone wants to call me so I can listen to 1 2 Step ^_^ do so :D

and yea..cell # is : (618) 843-1124

if what I've given some of you was old or wrong.

but that may or maynot change it a month. which I'm hoping for the unchanged. heh

shower..walmart...journal..>.<....ehh read?

oh yea...I almost got hit by a fireengine yesterday >.<

apparently...something happened at the old senior citzen apartments.

I wish someone would make me some cake. -.-
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