May 03, 2005 11:42
Well last night I work and Drive Bye decided to to me an ass and cut every one but me and when I ask him why? he told be beacuse he felt like it and becasue he could then to top that off he but duck tape over my mouth just becasue he thought it was funny I didn't think it was......Amd wjo ever opened yesterday mourning did a poor ass job there was nothing restock no dressing were brought back there were hardly any desserts I was Pissed I told Drive Bye that he lucky to have some one like me to get the job dine and then he told me that I was luck he didn;t fire me and I told him not to get my hopes up.......... WELL i did't go to school today becasue I have an eye infection ya thats right leave it to me to get an eye infection I mean what the fuck I didn't evev think there was such thing but I guess so.