Jun 26, 2010 22:30
- 21:39 @ allsingalong Are you on the last episode? #
- 21:53 @ allsingalong That one is so sad #
- 21:53 Feeling all headachey and dizzy again. WTF? #
- 22:02 UNF!!! media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4giuax6oA1qbkzmv.jpg #
- 22:19 Still feeling all nnnnngggggggghhhhhhh. Maybe a bath will change that #
- 23:02 I miss having a friendship like this. 25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4c01rNLSK1qcunewo1_500.jpg #
- 23:08 25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4bzjqBcmK1qbd895o1_400.gif Funnily enough Quinn/Dianna was actually talking and said …my baby.’ (con) #
- 23:09 And at that exact moment, Brittany/Heather did this. Just a random fact =) It's love! Can they just make out on camera already! #Glee #
- 23:47 @ queenanthai I wasn't talking about just the cuddling. #
- 23:48 tinyurl.com/339j7mdv So dirty, I don't know where to start. You can say so much just from the first bubble. #
- 23:50 tinyurl.com/3565vz8*too busy staring. can't think of any comments* #
- 23:52 tinyurl.com/29b8x68 Hey baby! You so fine baby! #
- 23:55 27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kqj2koc2OI1qzj4r8o1_400.jpg Okay, okay, I will stop fangirling Erica Durance now... #
- 23:56 and move onto Jared Padalecki 29.media.tumblr.com/2ivbwdhGOlztk4y4iehDnCqKo1_400.jpg #
- 00:01 29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4ljyfh9QK1qbe2kto1_500.jpg Poor Dean (Gilmore Girls) #
- 00:10 26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4lijinVzL1qbrq10o1_500.jpg Gorgeous men are gorgeous #
- 00:12 Dean says: Sam, too much information. 29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4lbu49ZIB1qcs9zoo1_500.jpg I say UNF!! #
- 00:12 Although the scene with Madison was MUCH hotter. Madison...=( #
- 00:15 Hehehehe 24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4lnzpQNIM1qc4tx3o1_500.jpg #
- 00:22 28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4ko4jSTFZ1qa7tl2o1_500.png Sam is not amused in the slightest. #
- 00:23 24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4jojiea2j1qb9j3xo1_400.jpg WWWHHHEEEEEEEEEE #
- 00:27 Young Sammy is cute. 24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4i738TVrY1qa0ieyo1_400.jpg #
- 00:31 Why couldn't the adults have been this hot when I was in school? 25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4fso9bvAN1qbh35io1_500.jpg #
- 00:33 Amazing picspam of Sam over the seasons. 30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4ewpxtaEz1qbuxuoo1_500.jpg #
- 00:35 I'm sad no one has taken up my Doctor Who wallpaper request. #
- 00:45 OMGOMGOMGOMG PLEASE BE TRUE!! community.livejournal.com/ontd_spnparty/242676.html#cutid1 #SPOILERS #SUPERNATURAL #SQUEE #OMG #
- 01:06 Vamp Willow was uber HOT RT: @whedonesque: "This is a dumb world. In my world there are people in chains, and we can ride them like ponies." #
- 01:10 Looking at hairstyles.... #
- 01:45 I must have looked at a million different hairstyles and NOTHING #
- 04:25 What is this? Yesterday I couldn't get my brain to wake up and now I can't get it to go to sleep. #
- 18:42 @ Olly_LOG The Big Bang is already online? #
- 18:51 @ Olly_LOG ZOMG IT IS!!! #
- 19:23 Wwwhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa????? #DoctorWho #
- 19:26 My mom and Nana are talking about religion I told my mom I'm going to worship fairies from now on. Everyone likes fairies. #
- 19:31 Awwww Rory!! <3 <3 #DoctorWho #
- 19:35 Those pesky Daleks!!! #DoctorWho #
- 19:37 This isn't good....#DoctorWho #
- 19:40 RIVER!!!! #DoctorWho #
- 19:43 NNNNNOOOOOOO #DoctorWho #
- 19:56 Little Amy Pond is so cute!! #DoctorWho #
- 20:03 Hee!!! "Are you just saying yes cuz you're scared of me?" "Yep!" #DoctorWhoo #
- 20:08 @ Olly_LOG www.megavideo.com/?v=3PZ4PRS0 #
- 20:12 @ Olly_LOG I gave you a link...it will load right away #
- 20:14 @ Olly_LOG It should still play on Iphone with internet #
- 20:15 @ Olly_LOG Megavideo is really good to watch directly online. #
- 20:19 Doctor Who finales never disappoint! They just keep getting bigger and bigger! Season 1finale will always be my favorite though. #
- 20:21 @ Olly_LOG Although if you aren't a paid member you can only watch 72 free minutes. Zshare is another good website to watch directly. #
- 20:21 @ Olly_LOG I'm good with finding ways to watch online. I don't download. Can really mess up your computer. #
- 20:23 @ Olly_LOG Where do you work at? #
- 20:34 @ Olly_LOG I'm traveling a bunch this summer between family and stuff so I can't really get a job. I'm going to be on the verge of being #
- 20:34 @ Olly_LOG totally broke when I go back to college. #
- 20:36 @ Olly_LOG Is BBC America being the ones that are shown in the UK? #
- 20:40 @ Olly_LOG Oh duh, forgot. #
- 20:41 @ Olly_LOG I just watch stuff online because its easier. I didn't have a TV at school and its a pain for me to get the TV with my brothers. #
- 20:42 @ Olly_LOG Well, the Doctor is 906 years old. #
- 20:42 @ Olly_LOG Or is it 907? #
- 20:48 @ Olly_LOG Found it. Amy was snogging him. Flesh and Stone."I'm 907 years old, Do you understand what that means? " "Its been awhile? " #
- 20:56 @ Olly_LOG Yeah it can. It was all me though that time. Haven't really had an easy day. #
- 20:57 @ Olly_LOG Oh I totally forgot about the Christmas special. Omg, first special without David Tennant... #
- 21:06 @ Olly_LOG Yeah, he has. The one that introduced him in season 2 has been my favorite. #
- 21:06 @ Olly_LOG Plus it had Rose and Jackie and Harriet Jones, prime minister! #
- 21:07 Hahahaha Alex Kingston (River Song) has played on Law and Order SVU as Miranda Pond, a lawyer. HEE. Miranda Pond...Amy Pond...#easilyamused #
- 21:15 River Song picspam. bit.ly/dpZKXj She is more awesome then you, you go ahead and be jealous. #
- 21:21 She is absolutely gorgeous! 24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4lqukIybM1qzhyd3o1_500.png #RiverSongIsMoreAwesomeThenYou #DoctorWho #
- 21:28 "Look at me! I'm a target!" tinyurl.com/25dqcqo Oh, Doctor. #
- 21:29 I wonder if they will ever bring John Barrowman back to Doctor Who? #
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