Mar 09, 2004 12:59
Friday night Ashley stopped by after work and we ended up at Ruperto's for dinner. Then we made our way to PSG to eat ice cream that was too small and too expensive. My little sister didn't even eat hers.
We stopped by Safeway to see Jessi, but missed her by 15 minutes.
So we went home. Played a little monopoly and watched comedians. Went to Ashley's. Went back into town with a bag full of hairspray and some matches in the backseat.
We ended up back in Big River and showed the world what true small town girls do for fun. When we didn't know what to blow up we tipped a port-o-potty at a construction site and then cruised around town stealing every reflector in sight. We ended up with so many at the end of the night that we could start up a business. It was so hilarious. Ashley was the get-a-way car and I ran my ass back and forth across the street grabbing em and then jumping in to the car. Fun stuff.
We got back to her house and couldn't figure out what to do with them so finally found some sleep at around 3am.
We both went to work the next morning.
Monday morning I woke up sick. I had a 24 hour thing of vomiting n such. Not fun. Today I'm a little better but "have to relax so I don't relapse" said the mother.
12 days left of no school which is why I'm way cooler than you.