penguins are totally fucking gay (click for article). I don't know why everyone is so suprised--you name penguins Roy and Silo they are going to be gay dood. They wanted a baby so bad they started incubating a rock. That's pretty cute, right? Or gay? You decide.
Did you see the penguin movie? I heard in the French version they made it a first-person narration: Oh I am zo cold, it iz zo cold in dee znow. I am a penguin I am betta than zou ha ha ha check out my tuxedo it iz so frahnch. Zomeone git me a wheel of brie and a nice piece of feesh! And so on and so forth. Gay gay gay this whole thing is gay. But not as gay as Roy and Silo Anyway penguins are dope but goddamn are they just totally disorganized or what? Hurry up and fly already.