May 04, 2008 07:35
someone was telling me about a national geo article about how love can make you ocd about a person and i totally believe it.. i really scare myself with my thinking. and sometimes its like i dont even know why i care about this person to begin with. the song im listening to right now is extremely ironic. i just want to be happy is that really too much to fucking ask for... im holding on by a string right now. someone please say something to make me feel better cause all i feel right now is like im worthless, useless and a failure. the roller coaster of my life is crashing and im not wearing a seat belt. one person in this entire universe knows all my secrets and they dont even care.... why am i so willing to make myself vulnerable yet no one wants to risk that with me. whats so fucking wrong with me? are you really worth my blood, sweat, tears, thoughts, life? this is about me wanting to feel appreciated, wanted, welcome, worthy. i want someone to feel thankful they found me.