May 20, 2006 21:13


Ok just did a friends cut which I have been putting off for months because I just feel bad cutting people but today, I decide I will do it x___x No hard feelings ok? ._.;;

If you were cut, the reasons I cut you is probably one of the reasons stated below;

- we almost never commented in each other's lj
- we have nothing in common
- you probably added me when I was still in the anime fandom but our interests has drifted apart
- you stopped updating

Quite a number of you has been on my flist since forever and I'm sorry to cut you but I've really been skimming through too many entries. So those who got cut, can you please remove me from your flist? Thank you very much ^^

Also to those who added me but never commented in my FO entry, please also remove me.

And for those who are still here, dont worry but I dont think I will be doing another friends cut in a long long time XD This is my first official friends cut as the one before was just removing inactive ljs and I dont think that really counts.

*sends love to everyone* ♥
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