Welcome to cherrylady6's Journal! ♥

Aug 04, 2011 22:59

Hey everyone :D
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You're always welcome ♥

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fanfic, one shot, myself

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cherrylady6 May 19 2009, 16:23:01 UTC
Whee, hey there :D -waves back-
Omg really? XD Do i sound that old? I should try to act a little younger probably xDD I'm often told I'm like 18 or sth but 20 is new! XD
Aw yay for being your sis', that sounds lovely! I always wanted an older sister or brother ♥
Omg, I envy you xD School's so boring yet I can't go online D;


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cherrylady6 May 24 2009, 11:06:18 UTC
Ahaha I feel really honoured now because you're talking to me xD I'm not even 17 xDD -dies- But yeah, I guess I have a quite mature point of view for my age 8D But here .. quite a lot people are like this, but then there are the others where I feel like I'm in kindergarten when I'm with them xD I don't know but I have the image that asian teenager are only into cute things xD Yeah, here, Europe, you're responsible for everything once you're 18 xD You can drink beer already with 16 though ~

Uwaah, I didn't know ~ now I'm kinda surprised, I didn't expect you to be a teacher xDD Ahaha omg you would headdesk so much if you knew my class! XD We're kinda the worst .. xD I'm so happy when we'll be split up next year xD
I know that too well <.< They still do it in my year, so yeah D;

hi, big sis' ^________^

I have still 2 years in front of me D;
XDD I'd never ignore you. I just need ages to answer :D xD


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cherrylady6 May 31 2009, 23:14:51 UTC
Not 17 yet :] I'll turn 17 in August though ^^ I'm the youngest in my class ~ -sigh- xD I went actually a year earlier to school than everyone else 8D
Everyone is trying to get indepent as soon as possible. Most teenager are trying to get out of home as soon as possible. It's not bad on one side because they aren't bothering their parents too much and learn to manage their own life but sad on the other side. ~ I try not to depend on my parents so much but I'm still like I don't want to work in summer, nooo D:! xDD But I can make my own food if I have to and don't need my parents around, so ~ I'm already proud of me xDD (Especially because .. well, I guess I can say I'm quite spoiled because I'm an only child ~ ;>)
XDD OFC WE ARE CUTE TEENAGERS :D Aha no idk ~ 8D We're probably annoying. :)
I know xDD I guess you can say that Germany is not kawaii but cool? ^^ We have to be mature eh ~ :) Everyone's neglecting the rules anyway xD Like liquor is only allowed when you're 18 or older. Or things with the same alcohol level. But even my ( ... )


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cherrylady6 May 31 2009, 23:26:59 UTC
The comments lokks so much longer because of my layout 8DD -dies-
Aww, why deleted? D: Our comments were so long and awesome ~ xDD
And I actually liked it ♥ I actually watched this other Arashi video too but I forgot the name XD Kimutaku? No srsly, I forgot the name xDD I have no idea of their releases anyway ~ xD

No worries, I'm a meanie too :DD And I'm S. XD
You won't make me shut up, pffft ~ -sticks out tongue- See, that's how it goes when you're my big sis. AHAH :D

I wonder how long that essay would be xDD ( ... )


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cherrylady6 May 31 2009, 23:35:47 UTC
You envy me. What for? xDD I need the content of the comments before xDD I can't believe I'm in this fandom for over 1 1/2 years XD Because the longest before was like half a year. My non-JE friend is already annoyed XD This one girl asked me for how long I was into japanese music already and I said "I think a year or so? ~" & my friend was like "NO, LONGER!" xDD -dies- I know, time is running DDD:
Guh, I DLed so much again .____.

Yeah, I had my obsessed-phases too xDD But the only real band is KT ;D I know the most about them and for NEWS and so on, I guess my knowledge is okay xD
Gah, MaruDa just led me to choking xDDD
AHAHA ILU ♥♥ I actually re-watched all KT concerts on Friday/Saturday ♥ I'm horase now but whatever ♥ xD
I laughed so much Understandable when I first heard it! xDD I tried to figure out what he's actually singing. But I always laugh at his English ♥ Even Hope in One Drop made me crack up. XD ( ... )


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cherrylady6 May 31 2009, 23:42:25 UTC
Ahahah why not! It's so plain! ~ :D You can't hide ^__^
You can't run, even you can't hide ~ .. *sings Dictator*
What have we been talking about? xD

I didn't know all of this xDD I don't even know Taipi 8D -bricked- Byakkotai is some kind of war-like, isn't it? ~ I had the impression from the promo picture xD So I never really watched it ~

XDDDDDD THEY - ARE - TOO - OBVIOUS. Why showing off 8D They could just keep it a secret, oi ~ xD
Shige? Why Shige? xDD Shige & Nino? xD -confused-

DGKDHSLKRURNFND WHUTTTTTTTTTTTT. Somehow I love Ohno by now ♥ xDD Not Nino but Ohno ♥ He's so awesomely funny 8D -hugs Ohno-
Toma shares their dark secrets? xDDD O-M-G :D
You know there's this one scene that everyone loves but made me dislike Nino a little XD Where he kinda .. idk, kiss Ryo's shoulder? Gaaaah D:


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cherrylady6 May 31 2009, 23:49:36 UTC
Yes, I made it through ♥ But I know you will reply fast T__T You're always so much faster than I am and yet you keep complaining about not having time to update and watch things XD

I ignore Kanjani lately :( Though I love the guys, I don't feel the urge to update on them :/ NEWS - well, I love NEWS mainly for Ryo XD Tego is too narcisstic. I love Kei-chan too but not as much ~ ♥ Ahaha Tego IS slutty :P I just can't believe he still has the cute image although he isn't anymore, not at all ~ and he doesn't care to show how much he loves himself x.x Eh, really? ~ I still like Tegoshi a lot, but I just lost interest in NEWS as a group. They are nothing special for me anymore, I don't know :/

I just love the episodes where Ryo keeps on sliding somewhere xDDDDDDDD Like when they went to hike or look at he waterfall ♥ 8D
I didn't watch an episode with Tacchon though >_< I started skipping the episodes by then already ( ... )


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