Year End Wrap Up.

Jan 19, 2011 01:47

Here is a year-end wrap-up, coming to you belatedly from the new year! I made about twice as many vids this year as I usually do, eight as opposed to three to four.

Other milestones reached when I wasn't paying attention: I have apparently been on LJ for nine years. That is almost a decade. In this time, I have apparently made just over 1000 posts, which is actually more than I expected. I suppose I used to be spammier.

Vids made in 2010
(sorted by date of completion)

I'll Follow You Tonight - Shelter

The Day the Air Turned Blue - Fringe

Tamacun - Avatar: The Last Airbender (for thefourthvine for sweetcharityvox)

Gasoline and Matches - Bones (for yahtzee63 for help_haiti)

T.K.O. - Life on Mars
Body of Years - Power Play
Glass - Watchmen

Feel Good, Inc. - Ocean's Eleven

My favorite video this year (of my own):
I love that both Tamacun and Gasoline and Matches made their recipients happy. I love my Power Play vid because that show is seriously the show of my heaaaaart. I am completely unable to be subjective about it. My shooooow. My characters! <3

My least favorite video this year:
To be honest, I'm a bit ambivalent about most of the vids I've made this year; there were a number that I don't think I quite got to where I wanted them to be, and the majority of audience response has been somewhat muted. I think I will have to go with T.K.O., however, as it is not quite the bouncy, dancy Sam-is-losing-his-mind vid I imagined. It is trying to be something more than that, and ends up being something less.

Most successful video:
Tamacun! Appa!

Video most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
A lot of my vids this year didn't really seem to connect with the audience in the way I'd hoped.

Most fun video:
Feel Good, Inc., hands down! The entire thing was an exercise in have a real feel good time.

Video with single sexiest moment:
This is usually the question where I laugh and make some sort of snarky comment, but this year it has to be my Shelter vid. In 11 odd years in fandom (... cripes) it is the most graphic/sexiest thing I have written or vidded. I am still of two minds.

... yeah, I'm awesome.

Biggest vid fail:
How do you define this, really? Glass is completely different vid than I had envisioned -- it was supposed to be a sprawling Adrian character study utilizing comics panels and external footage, calculus and probability functions. I don't know that it's a bad vid, but it certainly failed to be the one I set out to make.

Hardest video to make:
The broader strokes of Feel Good, Inc., were in place fairly easily, but the tweaking and polishing took a lot of little fidgets. I don't know that it necessarily made it the *hardest* video -- usually I reserve that for ones with thematic or narrative issues. Narrrrrative. Have I mentioned lately how I struggle with narrative.

Most unintentionally telling video:
This is always a hard question, but I shall have to say Feel Good, Inc., if only because I made it partially as a response to realizing (during my vid_commentary interview) that I tend to make a lot of vids that are about emotional, social, or mental isolation.

The things I've learned this year:
There's a good chance I'm cutting more slowly than I think I am. I am capable of talk to/at Real Vidders about things like motion. Sometimes, making fun vids is actually fun. Narrative is not the enemy. It's okay to post memes a month late. Probably. There is NO FRUIT in the Chicago airport, outside of tomato sauce on deep dish pizza (seriously, I spent around half an hour in O'Hare looking for some sort of Booster Juice analogue and discovered pizza, pretzels, McDonald's, pizza, a Chili's, and more pizza).

For 2011:
I think that I shall carry my resolution from last year forward: Just keep vidding.

Though I will note that apparently elynross is thiiis close to challenging me to make a vid without intercutting.

Other things I did this year:
Moderated a motion panel at VVC, and promised I would post the notes. I still have the notes, but I doubt anyone is interested.

I did an interview with vid_commentary, which can be found here.

Three fics (two of which I am actually extremely proud of):
The Shape of a Sooner State - Fringe
A Case of Curious Tuesdays - Pushing Daisies
(waves) break upon the shore - Inception


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