Mar 24, 2010 21:42
It seems that LJ has decided that I am some sort of Lithuanian spambot, or something of the like. Today is the first day since last week that I can access it. Popular running motifs: my flist loads, to the point of the header and my icon, then terminates (yay for infinite loops?); or where my flist should be there is a cheeky block of text, claiming that I am a bot hitting the site too fast (though it's the fist time I've tried to access it in a 12 hour period). The heavily armed monkeys guarding the site keep claiming there are no problems, so I am wondering if they're trying to come up with a really good 'prove you're human' test for me!
Sometimes, I fail those. And then I worry.
Oh no! They might be on to something. I don't just kinda fail them, I type things like 'brides marriage cost russian' and '~~Medical Online Store : Best Price !!!~~~~'and 'I am the accountant of the FinBank Plc Victoria Island Lagos. I am married with two kids. I am writing to solicit your assistance in the noble transfer of US$3,800,000.00 (Three Million, Eight Hundred Thousand US Dollars). '
Oh god. What have I become?
... Curses, the infinite loops are back.