Nov 07, 2007 19:28
Well, my name's Sakura, and it looks like I'm in the same situation as all of you. Is there anything in particular I should be keeping a lookout for?
Does anyone remember how they got here?
((Private, Semi-hackable.))
Oh god, that stupid kid. I've never been so embarrassed in my life! I THINK. Ugh, this whole thing really sucks. Gah, he's really just a kid, he was trying to help... I still kinda want to smack him, though.
But overall, the people I've met so far are likeable. The kid - Naruto, or that's what it said on his room assignment - is a sweet guy despite being a little dork, Rakka's a nice girl, even if she is squeaky, Celice is a real gentleman plus, really cute!, Sasuke... could use some manners but in retrospect, he's good-looking enough to pull off the attitude, and Cheri is... interesting. Larger-than-life.
I went through my pack more throughly, while I was at it. Some of the things in there... It looks like I'm the sort of person who carries around a small arsenal of miniature weaponry. Most of them look like throwing weapons, although the small daggers look like they could come in handy in a hand-to-hand fight. I also have tampons, which are probably not weapons. Probably. They could be poisoned or rigged to explode somehow for all I know.
((Filtered to Naruto and Celice))
Hey, thanks for getting me set up here, guys.
naruto's being a dumbass again,