Oct 18, 2008 10:37

Star Player has been approved. I REALLY need to fix up the layout better, but if you are a fan of Kukai from Shugo Chara!, please join. :D


I'm still doing about the same. I have today to myself to record and work on my website(s) and whatnot. I keep telling my mom a lot of things are troubling me, but she just tells me to not worry about stuff, but I can't really help it. One of my more predominant worries are my feet (my nails) which look horrific.

I'd rather not go into detail, but I can't imagine what in the world is wrong with them since my fingernails are pretty much perfect and rarely break. I've been complimented on my fingernails before, but I cringe to show my feet in public. I'm going to the podiatrist once again come November. I wonder if he remembers the girl he had to give valium to so that he could (is operate even the right word?) ...on her feet. Long story short, I had ingrown toenails (thumb toes) that never went away so he stuck a needle up in them to numb them and removed a small sliver of the nail on the side so that it could never happen again. Sure, I was forever missing an inconspicuous piece of both nails after that, but the pain went away and it never happened again. Here, like six or more years later, my nails are being funky, especially on my left which suddenly got a nail growing under a nail, and now they are both coming up from the cuticle and I think there is nothing underneath. My thumb toe nails have also gotten thick + brittle, but they don't seem to be infected. On a side note, all of my small toe nails seem to be cracked straight across the middle, AND I NEVER TRIPPED ON ANYTHING!! I have no idea why they are all broken. My only thoughts are a) improper care (it's plausible), b) walking funny led to weird growth of nails, perhaps the abnormal pressure somehow contributed to this c) bad fitting shoes (well, I find them comfortable, so I don't understand this one) d) genetic (diabetes runs in my family, among other things which could contribute, but I had a blood test a few years ago to see if my blood sugar was high and it was't) e) some kind of bug, virus, or infection causing them to grow funny (my best guess)

I wonder if tearing through the house puts strain on them...

So yeah, I dunno... =_=

As for my anime list, both CLANNAD and Shugo Chara! are playing filler, which I do not like, although I feel slightly bad for mixing up part of the plot from the preview. The idea of forcing people to chara-transform isn't too bad of a tactic, but I wish they'd focus on the main/supporting cast as opposed to one-episoders and background characters. Really, Nagihiko will probably be what saves the beginning of this season. (If he ever shows up.)

Vampire Knight is staying interesting, and ef - a tale of melodies has finally started to crack through its confusing and cryptic atmosphere and I can once again say that I adore that series to death, with it's artsy presentation and often dreamlike story-telling. For example, Kuze seems as if he might have split personalities or have a bad prescription of medicine, so sometimes when he goes deep into thought or falls asleep he sees two copies of himself against a colorful inner-clock background. Each copy has half a mask. His image is centered around masks. On the other hand, when Yu is remembering his past, the series puts a border around those scenes as if it were a story book. Sunsetscapes are predominant, and the show will often cut away to images of other things, are switch art styles without explanation. It makes the show an acquired taste, since not a whole lot often happens, but for people who enjoy art or the surreal, or just looking at something beautiful, it does an interesting job of it.

art, podiatrist, surreal, clannad, shugo chara, ef, feet, vampire knight guilty, kukai, fanlisting, nails

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