I am spamming your friends' page because I can.

Oct 14, 2008 22:20

Agh. I am so ronery it is killing me. =_=
I have no right to say so, however, since I don't talk much when I actually have someone willing to talk to me. I'm like a cat, I guess. Meagan called me a cat. (She was a wolf. It worked.)

So I got to work. Same old, same old.

My mom sent me flowers (I had joked about her doing that for my birthday) at work and gave me an embarassing card. I think the flowers were paid more mind than I have in the three months I have been down there. It wasn't until AFTER they were delivered that people even asked me about my birthday. I wore my necklace to work, too.

The strawberries are a pillowcase my mom made for me during college. I have another one with kitties on it and some with geishas. My mom is very talented with a sewing machine. =3

As for work at work, it was dead today. Very, very dead. I think I know most everything going on in the world that interests me. Oh, and by the way, gray wolves in the Northern Rockies are going back to endangered status a mere seven months after they were removed from the list.

Got home and found Arcia's letter and entry for my Ichigo contest and my DVD from SMJ, so I got to watch episode 36 in Japanese, on an official Japanese DVD. It was kinda cool. But I liked the letter better. =D

And I will be writing you back as soon as I can. Isn't the envelope adorable? ^^

The case was cracked so I switched it into another case, but the DVD itself was new and sealed. For anyone curious, vol. 6 has episodes 31-36 and no extras to speak of except for really nice printing on the package art. Oh, and there's an insert with prices and release dates for DVDs and CDs, but that's about it. The menu's pretty basic as well, and when you select a specific episode from the main menu, the clip will play in the sub menu, otherwise it's a still image. In the case of episode 36, the still image is Ryou's showerhead and the clip is of Ryou taking a shower and Keiichiro talking with Ichigo about Ryou's "style".

Main menu

I've also been working on researching for my TMM prequel (aka my Shirogane-tachi AU), and I even got my mom to help. I am trying to find a good song for each year and each chapter will represent a year starting from Professor Shirogane (still Jishou in this because I'd feel bad renaming him) comes to America (still New York =P) until whenever I end up stopping it due to lack of interest on my part or that of whoever will actually read it. Going by the manga timeline, I figured Ryou would be born around 1985, and I'm starting the fanfic in 1970. The 80's is full of great music, but the 70's are a little harder for me. So far I have "Your Song" for 1970 and "Time in a Bottle" for 1973. =) Anyway, I'll definitely be learning while I write this. I'm just stuck because I'm not sure what kind of a person Ilan is. Well, in this he is a stock broker. I'm obviously influenced by the news, huh?

fanfiction, letter, ryou, ichigo, birthday, dvd, work, arcia, fox necklace, tokyo mew mew, lonely, smj, shiroganes, flowers, meagan

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