/uses appropriate icon.

Aug 18, 2010 11:34

So I got a letter in the mail yesterday. Apparently the local art club that I won a college scholarship from is planning to put together a gallery of work by their scholarship recipients, and they want no more than 25% of the work to be NFS. RSVP date is September 1, and they're estimating a showing in December.

Meaning this could be a really good opportunity to not only get my artwork "out there", but to potentially make a little cash. The only problem is all my art is OLD, and there's nothing I'm proud enough of to sell, and I'd be embarrassed to show a lot of it. (Plus a ton is FAN ART which is a no-go, obviously.) And actually, during high school we worked from National Geographic magazine photographs a great deal. I hadn't quite grasped the "change it up and make it your own so it's not copyright infringement" rule yet. I also REALLY NEED A PORTFOLIO. I have essentially nothing to show, even if a job popped up that I wanted (which has sorta-kinda-almost happened already). So... yeah. This could potentially be a really awesome opportunity to get myself back in the game.

The question is... what sort of media/subject matter would work best? I'm thinking... landscapes, nature, still life... I know a lot of people don't even consider comic/animanga-style to be "art" (btw, I do, as long as it's "artistic"), so I wouldn't even bother taking more than one anime-inspired piece, if that. Then again... should I really limit myself to "safe" subject matter? Or should I try something a little different? (Don't get the wrong idea... all my art ends up being "cute".)

Media... eh... I could get away with colored pencils or acrylic no problem. I'm not as sure about marker work. Maybe if it was really detailed and had "texture". Watercolor I basically fail at. Maybe mixed media. Honestly, I'd rather get a bunch of thick canvases that I wouldn't have to cut out matboard for. Matting and mounting artwork is such a pain, and so many things can go wrong. I have several nightmare stories of the adhesive spray making a mess and getting everything sticky, or of cutting mats crookedly. /s-sob.

So yeah. Thoughts? What I really need to do is set some sort of a goal for myself. Like X_number of arts a week. And I need to finish old trades/requests while I'm at it, too.


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