(no subject)

Apr 01, 2010 22:17

I don't like packing... So I decided I didn't want to take two electronics with me, so the PSP is staying home, that leaves me with bringing two books, two manga, and the invaluable iPod with me. Which meant I had to hunt down some old/new stuff to stick on it. That ended up being the Wolf's Rain OSTs and, believe it or not, part one of alleyWAY. I really need to finish part two... the lines are in, they just need mixing in BGM/SFX... and I missed a line in part one I should go back and fix - the scene doesn't make as much sense without it.

If you don't know what alleyWAY is... um... you can contemplate my icon and I'll explain when I get back.

Have a nice Easter everyone!
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