Meme Spam Pt. 1

Mar 05, 2010 16:57

List any characters that you have considered roleplaying, but never have. Explain why you like the character, then explain what it is that keeps you from playing them, be it a lack of canon knowledge, lack of confidence, or too many people playing that character!

Overall Numero Uno Problema: Lack of time/I don't want to kill my hands again. Plus I'm indecisive as all get out.

1. Fakir (Princess Tutu) - The need for canon review and voice studying is the main culprit. Also I'd want an Ahiru or a Mytho, and most games with either of them have Fakir already. There are LOTS of Fakirs out there, and that kinda makes me all "meh". What I like about Fakir? I tend to like the moody seems-like-a-jerk-but-really-isn't type of character. He can dance, he can fight, he can do COOLIO THINGS with a pen and paper. The second half of the series really made Fakir - he's very dedicated to protecting the people important to him. I like playing characters with strong resolve like that. A knight.

2. Stellar Loussier (Gundam SEED Destiny) - She just... doesn't fit anything very well, does she? ^^; She doesn't have a very detailed backstory and she pretty much relies on certain drugs and a memory-wiping machine to maintain her... sanity (among other things). She doesn't have much to remember, or much she can do without a mobile suit to pilot, and she doesn't open up to many people unless they're Neo Roanoke or Auel, or Sting, or one Shinn Asuka. She's also a little crazy. ...okay, a LOT crazy - traumatized. A little air-headed. (Did I mention she's a total space case?) But I love her for some inexplicable reason and would like to play her if given the right sorts of opportunities. And right now the Titanic theme is playing in my head.

3. Anise Tatlin (Tales of the Abyss) - Oh gosh there are almost as many Anises as there are Lukes. @-@;; Anywhere I'd app her I already play someone else from the main party and thus I'd lose out on some really fun CR. Aside from Jade, Anise teasing Luke and Tear (and "Gloomietta"!) is the best thing ever. She's also not my favorite, so if a game had openings for Tear or Luke (or maybe even Asch or Natalia or something), I'd probably go for one of them first. Still, I think I trust myself with her voice and knowing her canon. Laying on the cute super thick and then being kind of rough when it comes to battle and whatnot... FUN. Also, you know, clinging to random rich characters and all that. Heart-icon abuse. Sounds like a good time to me.

4. Legretta the Quick (Tales of the Abyss) - She's so much like Tear, and I already play Tear several places (and I can't play her where I play Tear, obviously). She's like Tear with all the cute drained out. Now replace that with guns. What I'd really need is a good place to play her and a Legretta-centric canon review. I'm not sure I completely understand her motives. Or her speech patterns enough to differentiate her in my mind from Tear. Also, as much as she intrigues me, if a game had openings, I'd probably be tempted to app main party members first. I'm not really confident enough to pull her off, I think. I dunno. I don't quite trust myself with her yet and that's why I haven't even museboxed her.

5. Arietta the Wild (Tales of the Abyss) - I'm kind of cheating here because I did have a rather nice Dear_Mun thread going for a little while. Same as with Anise. I think I might get Arietta even better than Anise, but I play a main party member at most of my games, and unless the game had a big Abyss cast already, I'd be missing out on some CR/rivalry/"I-hate-you/you-killed-mommy"-ness. If I had to pick someone else from Abyss to play, though, it'd probably be Arietta. But it would only be really fun if there was an Anise and or at least one Green to bounce off of. And monsters. Or lions. Arietta's pretty adorable, though. It's fairly easy to get inside her head. I also kinda dig the raised by wolves ligers stereotype.

6. Holo (Spice & Wolf) - I thought I got Holo. I watched the Japanese dub, right? Then I watched the English dub and the impression I got of THAT Holo was COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. She sounded so much more mature and it was like she was a different character altogether. (Isn't she supposed to have the form of a 15-year-old or something even though she's SUPER OLD?) I got so confused I just did a "You know what? Forget it." Still, Holo is a fun character and I find her behavior amusing - she teases Lawrence sometimes and makes no secret of how wise and cunning she is - and she pretends to be a maiden for part of the series which is kind of hilarious when you realize she has ears and a tail and is a WOLF-THING. I still think she'd fit ME well, because she could join the "we can has apples!" club (she loves apples). She also likes her beer, so that crowd would also have another member - even better if they pay for it for her.

7. "Shana" (Shakugan no Shana) - Doggonit! I only just started (re)watching the series and Shana is like the ultimate tsundere or something. And she has a sword. And a "talking necklace". And fire. And she'll kick your butt! If I could ever get a Yuji Sakai with a matching username, even better. I'd have to finish her canon first, but I'd seriously be tempted to app her, because I already... am... kinda tempted. orz

8. Meimi Haneoka (Kaitou Saint Tail) - Because traditional magic tricks are fun! And she has a pet hedgehog. She's kind of standard as far as magical girls go, but in the right kind of game where she could steal back stuff for people... yes? BUT! "Saint Tail" isn't a huge fandom (I don't think?), it's kind of old, and I would MAJORLY WANT both Seira and Asuka Jr. And maybe even a Rina. What are the chances of that happening? Like... none. But still. I know her canon - I've seen it all. I think I could pull her off. You know, for that matter, a Mink would be kinda cool, too.

meme, roleplaying

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