Of precipitation and princesses.

Dec 18, 2009 22:26

So I indulged myself a while back when I was selling some anime merchandise that was just collecting dust and bought myself another PVC figure (which will... also collect dust), and so, yes, flist, I'm going to spam you with pics. She made it to my doorstep right before this big winter storm (the one we're currently having) started dumping snow on us, so... the princess knows how to make an entrance(?). Her box also attacked me. Yes, I'm talking about Natalia Luzu Kimlasca-Lanvaldear. *catches breath from long name*

And doubtless tomorrow I will be posting SNOW!pics.

Excuse the blurriness. I still haven't gotten the hang of photographing merchandise.

Unfortunately some genius decided to use plastic twist ties in her packaging and the rubbed off some of the white paint on her sleeves and elsewhere. The only other real downfall is I'm scared to touch her bow for fear that the string or the arrow will snap in two. They're really thin and fragile and I saw a broken one for sale on Y!JA, so it does happen. But the pose is cool, and it flatters her, I think. I'm not a huge Natalia fan or anything but it's a pretty figure, and it matches Tear, so she's not alone anymore.

Here's a couple of Tear for the people who have never seen her. Which, if you even blink at this journal, shouldn't apply to you.

Most of my white-bg pictures turned out super-blurry, so I tried a few with the wall showing to see if it'd help.

Anyway, about the snow. It was supposed to start at noon but didn't begin until 3 PM. But it hasn't stopped. I haven't checked it recently, but my dad keeps WORRYING about it and saying that he won't be able to sleep because he'll be checking on it. I mean, seriously, there's nothing you can do. The family thing (which he wouldn't have gone to anyway) was canceled already. We're all off. Relax, dude! Not really looking forward to cleaning and having to listen to them talk talk talk all day, but.

Dad took me to work this morning and mom brought me home. It was sticking to the road by then and was covering the cars in the parking lot. We didn't even get up to 30 MPH along the way. So yeah, looks like it really is turning out to be something. Everyone left work early who could. Brooke even told me to leave before she was able to, but I had to wait anyway because I didn't have transportation. Really glad I didn't have to drive in that mess.

snow, natalia, anime figures, work, tear

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