Exit the Picnic from Hell >:/

Sep 27, 2009 16:31

Today I experienced the picnic from hell. There is no other way to describe it.

The funny thing is we weren't even going to "picnic" because my parents claimed the ground was too wet, yet our hardly-plans got changed into no-plans and rearranged and... I hate not having a plan.

So we get to the park and it's like EMPTY. On a pretty fall day, no less. We drive up the road and there are clouds of what I mistook for pollen... they were actually hoards of gnats. So we park and my parents decide they want to eat at the picnic tables near the lake. If anyone knows anything about ducks/geese... ducks + geese + food = ??? Yes, before we even settle down an old gander starts making his way towards us from the pond. A little while later the bandit mallards and other geese begin to follow. But is that the main issue? Ho no! The main issue now is the STINKBUG INFESTATION. They're buzzing about, flying around all dizzy and drunken and... ugh...

In case you missed it...


With a burning passion!

So naturally they start flying at me and I let out a wimpy girly SCREAM and refuse to sit down at the table and eat very much. One had the nerve to land on me, too. Such nasty ugly things. Bleh. >:/

And then those stupid ducks are closing in on us and one even pecks at my mom's butt. Yeah.

Then there are yellow jackets (my dad's allergic to bees) and other insects. And of course there's the wind trying to blow the plates away... So my spoiled bratty self comes out and I clearly express my disapproval. "I am not happy."

I basically stand around drinking my tea and chasing the ducks away while my parents er... enjoy themselves. But then afterwards they want to go walking. So then I am forced to squish my way around the lake.

My parents wanted to hike the trail too but, eh.... I didn't. X_X So we get back to the truck and go through that cloud of gnats I mentioned? Well gnats like to cling, and the next thing we know, our shirts and pants are covered in gnats. Ewww...

So we drove home and I promptly change clothes. My parents scampered off to the flea market or something while I did a few chores, ate a decent lunch, and played on ToA. I actually finally caught the skit that Dynast's "biggestgun" username comes from so I finally GET IT. Man, it took me long enough. ^^;; It's where Anise is talking about ways to get the Sheridan scientists to cooperate. First she mentions Luke and Natalia's $$$, then she suggests she and Tear use their "sexy bods", then she's like "I guess we'll just have to leave it to Ion =D". Or something like that. It was funny, because naturally Tear's all "I-I can't do that!"

Ah... speaking of Tear... icons for a drunken!Tear would be easy because she looks drunk whenever she fangirls over cute things, but playing a tipsy Tear... XDD Ahhh...

Well for anyone in Memento Eden that cares about what I was thinking, Ren will probably get wasted and turn into the "king of the night", Lloyd will get drunk and start laughing and singing obnoxiously merrily (he sings with Zelos in Rodeo Ride Tour I believe). I plan to keep Tear at least halfway sane, although she will probably be uncharacteristically... "girly" and more daring than usual. That way I can cover the whole alcohol spectrum.

Well, I've never been drunk or even consumed alcohol before, so I really wouldn't know. XD I actually did research and found a lovely chart of symptoms of drunkenness which helped a lot.

memento eden, tales of the abyss, stink bugs, picnic from hell, oktoberfest, roleplaying

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