(no subject)

Aug 03, 2009 23:50

*headdesk* Do not want... drama.

I have no place to say this, since I am quite honestly selectively nice and selectively mean, and just plain selective, and half the time I am completely unpleasant to be around, but... please don't talk about me behind me back. Yes, I will probably be unhappy if I am cornered, but I would much rather people face me directly than to wonder what's up with me in groups and... stuff. That I eventually find out about or am told about by one of said people.

IDK... I am a paranoid person, and being like that just makes me even more paranoid.

But I'm not mad at anybody. I have pretty much been skimping out on you guys. But it's not even just you guys, and it's nothing against any of you personally either. I've also been skimping on my own website, my art... and some other people. I think I must randomly choose to push people aside to 'save myself', and I'm really sorry. I'm not above admitting that I screw up. Frequently.

On the bright side, I actually got to talk with a certain someone for more than two minutes... Not sure if I really helped, but maybe that's progress? Ne, ne, even if I didn't make you feel any better, wasn't it kind of nice sorta-kinda to have a conversation again? Only a few more weeks. Geez...

I'm not sure how work's gonna go down this week. We were short-handed today. Not looking forward to it, really.

work, plum, ad libitum

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