(no subject)

Feb 21, 2011 20:05

 This morning started with pushing Kyle's car out of the snow. He was scheduled for 6am and was supposed to call me when he got to work. He left the apartment at 5:40. Soon after he left, I started hearing sirens and freaking out. Around 6, he called me. Said he was in the parking lot. Relief flooded through me. Until he clarified that he was in the apartment parking lot. His car was suck in the snow. So, I pulled on socks, shoes, a hat, mittens, and my coat and ran out to help him. Still in my pajamas. He was quite stuck so I grabbed my broken telescoping shovel from my car. The one that doesn't telescope anymore and is actually only about 2.5 ft long. I shoveled him as much as I could and then got in front of the car to push. Shovel, push, shovel, push. I ended up having to sit in his car and try not to hyperventilate. Anyway after I caught my breath a bit we managed through my pushing and his driving back and forth bit by bit to get the car unstuck. He offered to help me dig my car out, but was already late for work so I sent him on his way.

Then I shoveled my car out. There was probably 1.5 ft of accumulated snow behind and on the sides of my car. And the plow didn't get any closer than maybe 3 ft from my car. It was a lot of digging. After getting some moved, I had to sit down again and catch my breath. My hat kept falling into my eyes so I had to discard it which meant my hair was totally free, loose, and wet. I just lifted the door to my trunk and sat down in it when I had to. I hardly even noticed the snow melting onto my pants. By the way, I wasn't wearing any underwear. Brrr. Shovel, sit, shovel, sit. I finally got the car mostly dug out. Then I got to enjoy the supreme pleasure of wiping all the snow off. Or as much as I could anyway. and then I had to scrape the ice off of the windows. Sigh. My mittens were soaking wet and covered in snow and ice so I had to discard them, too. Finally I got in the test if I could back out. I could.

I could finally go back in and get ready for work. Except, in my rush, I neglected to remember to grab my apartment keys. So I had to harass some lady digging her car out of the parking lot so I could get back in. First thing I did was strip off my clothes. Then I went to the bathroom to take a warm shower. Remember my hair was wet? Well, it twisted itself into ringlets. And then froze solid. Nice. I could only handle one glance in the mirror, it was so stupid looking. The apartment has been too hot because the furnace is broken or something so after all that I had to take a tepid shower, but it felt nice anyway. After my shower I sat down to dry off and fell asleep for 10 minutes I was so exhausted. Then I got ready and went to work. Which is a whole other story.

In summary, it was quite a day.

In other news, it looks like Kyle and I may be relocating sooner than later. I feel comfortable writing this here, it's a bit of a secret. But nobody really reads this anymore so it will remain secret still. I told my mom and she encouraged it. This broke my heart, she was supposed to tell me not to because she would miss me. But I guess not. I also kind of mentioned it to my friendboss at work because we rely on each other so much and I wanted her to have time to adjust to it and prepare. But she hardly reacted at all, too. So, it looks like nobody would miss me. Sad. It gives me kind of a preview of what it would be like if I died... We're planning on moving back to Kyle's hometown because real estate is cheaper and it's just kind of nicer than our little overpriced Milwaukee adjacent suburb that we currently live in. Anyone have any advice on relocating? Kyle thinks he can just transfer to a grocery store up there. But I would have to find a completely new job. It's kind of overwhelming to think about. Do I get the job before we move or after? When do we start looking at places? I just don't know...
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