(no subject)

Dec 21, 2010 08:12

A while ago I crocheted a seat cover to cover a stain on a customer service desk chair at work. Just for fun, I crocheted the logo of the company on it. My boss thought it was neat and said that I should make one for his boss. I think he didn't really mean it, but I did. I crocheted a pillow with the company's colors and the logo on it. My yearly review is coming up and I thought it surely couldn't hurt! And the man I was sending it to is the one who signs off on the raises. The pillow turned out really cool. Last Friday I sent the pillow with my boss to the corporate office. I also wrote a parody poem of "The Night Before Christmas" relating it to the bank.

Yesterday I got a phone call at work. I answered the phone and was told that I was the person the caller was looking for. Was I Rachel Johnson? I confirmed. Crocheter extraordinaire? I confirmed and asked if the caller was my boss' boss? He confirmed. He thanked me for the pillow and called it nifty. He also thanked me for the poem. He wished me and my family a merry Christmas and I repeated my own wishes for him to do the same. Then the call ended.

The caller, my boss' boss, is the president, chairman, and CEO of the bank. In other words, he's a big fat hairy deal. My bank may not be a huge bank, but we're doing very well and, well, we're big enough. For him to take time out to call and thank me personally means a whole lot to me. I appreciated the thought and effort. I may be really frustrated with my job a lot of times, but this is why I stay. I am so proud to work for this company.
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