Sorry I haven't posted in awhile! I have a few drafts in the works, though, and should hopefully have them up this weekend :)
I've been going through a few problems lately, and one of them is my comics. I've been having a lot of problem working on them, and I had trouble pinpointing the problem. I felt like I couldn't connect with my characters, and that they were very one dimensional and boring. My stories were very linear and didn't have much spice to them. I was even considering giving up a career in comics completely. However, while discussing this with my shrink, I remembered why I wanted to do comics in the first place- I love to draw characters and tell stories, even if they are not my own. I've come to the conclusion that I only want to be a comics illustrator, not a writer and artist. Steph (aka
1863_project), one of my best friends and an extremely talented writer, has agreed to help me with my original BL comic, Verdé. We're not sure exactly how this going to work, other than she'll write and I'll draw- I'm not sure if she wants to tweak my original plot at all or anything (Which I'd be okay with). Well, since she's reading this, I guess this is my way of saying we should discuss this!
I've recently become addicted to House. I'm watching the second season on DVD along with the most recent episodes, and I love how crazy and sour House is, and the entire cast is really cool. The situations they get into are strange and they are verykinda reckless about their decision making, but I think that what I like about it. I admit, I'm into House/Wilson. I love how they are complete opposites, yet the best of friends. House would be even more miserable (if that's possible) without Wilson. I think House/Cuddy is cute too. I love all of their flirting, and I wonder if they had a relationship in the past...hmm...
Last night's Colbert Report- "Candid Photos of Jon Stewart." OMGASM!! We all have to wonder how he got those...hehehehe. Stephen, you perv...;P
Is it wrong to find Tucker Carlson hot? Not with the bowties bowties....XD But I've been watching his show, and I'm kinda liking him, even if Jon Stewart called him a dick (and he still kinda is) and Crossfire sucked.
Oh, and some articles that I think certain people would want to see:
This one's on Keith Olbermann. I can totally imagine girls beating him up! And I love how he got through college watching Flying Circus- Monty Python is the best :) But that end of page five/beginning of page six makes me sad, for obvious reasons. Yet it also adds to my theory that Keith is gay for Anderson, as he is trying to hide his love with meanness XD
And this one's on John Oliver. For you, Steph :P It's a pretty funny interview, where they ask him twenty-one random questions and he has to answer. His answers are kinda random and rather hilarious.