22:03 @ ideographique I'd suggest jpop_uploads, kpop_uploads, cpop, omonatheydidnt, aramatheydidnt, aiyatheydidnt, and gimme_hp as comm you'd like. #
23:24 @< a href="http://twitter.com/cjmarsicano">CJMarsicano As a mainstream country fan, I apologize for having to listening to the worst of the genre. I want to kill Rascal Flatts too :D #
23:31 @ VeePinku I didn't know you liked NASCAR! #
23:34 @ VeePinku Wow, that's cool! Haha, my dad never would do something like that. Was he in a league? #
23:52 @ VeePinku Ah, cool! Haha, it's good he won a lot xD #
00:20 Everytime Demi tweets at Selena my heart goes a-flutter xD #
01:00 just voted "no" on "would you to cheat on your boyfriend with Robert Pattinson?" vote too ➔ bit.ly/2tmHL#
01:02 Just posted "I wish "Hell no, he's gross!" was an option! Taylor Lautner is a cutie though...." on bit.ly/2tmHL#
14:07 @ ideographique What did you write for question three on the painting homework? #
14:31 Listening to Hikki's entire discography today...I'm on the "First Love" album and I'm struck at how childish her voice is. It makes sense... #
14:32 *loo ks at the mini dots window* Dustin! :D I have never been fond of Matt Garza either...xD #
14:33 Doing HW, twittering, watching dots baseball, and listening to music at the same time. I am quite the multitasker! #