So, I'm not sure you know this, but I have a huge obsession with José Reyes. Although I talk about him all the time, I don't think I'm really giving it away...not compared to now, at least. See, it's José's twenty-sixth birthday, and it celebration, I am doing a....
First, a card! I was originally going to get tickets for tonight's game, but then he re-injured himself, and after remembering to breath, I decided that I'd just go to the game he comes back in. I also made a t-shirt for him- one of the "José Reyes Stole My Heart" that I made for myself. Obviously, he wouldn't wear it, but I thought it could be a cute show of fannish affection. Hey, at least I'm not giving him a fan art of him and Davey making out...xD
ETA: err, I left the card at my house! Expect it tomorrow!
The first time I ever saw José, it was this picture, some time during the 2007-2008 offseason, when I was truly immersing myself in baseball fandom. So yeah, I kinda skipped straight to the objectifying xD Actually, I thought he was cute, but I wasn't really into him right away.
However, I decided I wanted to follow the Mets, as I don't live anywhere near Boston, but wanted to watch a team I liked. As the only other team in my area was the Yankees, and, as I already noted, I am a Boston fan, the Mets were a natural choice. Plus, I had heard all about this ~*~mystical~*~ Johan Santana being traded to traded to the Mets. I had heard José had struggled in late 2007, so I wondered if he'd end up a guilty pleasure.
But then I watched him play, and it was exciting, the way he would steal bases and how he would always be so energetic. I immediately fell in love with his enthusiasm and how he always had a smile on his face. It wasn't long until he became my favorite.
And now that you've read all that boringness.....PICTURES!!
Not gonna lie, my favorite picture of José. The open jacket, the "come here and fuck me" look on his face, the tilted head, the thumb in his waistband (OMG, look how small his waist is!). I'm really amazed that the Mets allowed him and Davey to do a photoshoot like this, that's extremely sexual and homoerotic- why can't they do more? xP
Another one of my favorites! OMG His arms here? ♥ And how the hirt fold, showing off that slender, fit body of his? ♥ And the goofy smile? ♥ *melts*
OMG THIGHS. He looks so young here- he's probably only nineteen or twenty at the most. But the thighs....*turns into puddle*
One of my favorite pictures. He looks so handsome and focused here. Damn watermark!
LITTLE JOSÉ!! ♥ This was in '02, so he was....nineteen, I think. Adorable!
Always so friendly and cute....♥
I love watching him at bat! His swing is nice- short, and perfect for him to run with. And the batting stance with the ass shaking isn't bad either ;P
*iz deaded* no comment....
~*~skipping~*~ Ilove how he's always so excited when he gets on base! Other teams are bothered by it, but why should we care? José just can't help his boyish enthusiasm :D
THE HANDSHAKES. I love how he was a choreographed one for each player. I know people have complained that they take away from his focus, but I think they really add to the team and give everyone a lot of energy. José is like the Mets' cheerleader! *imagines José in cheerleader outfit* *nosebleeds*
lol surprise buttsecks "Hey, you're not David...."
This picture frickin' SLAYS ME ♥ José, why are you always so playful and adorable?
I love the way José dresses! It's kinda weird sometimes, but it always looks good on him. And the boy knows how to buy flattering jeans, which is more that I can say for some of his teammates *coughmainecough*
See, flattering jeans! And his arms! ♥
Such an amazing smile....*sigh*
OMG TONGUE he's so looking at Davey
His face in this one is making a "WTF?" expression xD It's really cute though....
I love how he's smiling back as he leaves(?) the dugout. At Davey, perhaps? :P
It's only a half-smile, and it has that horrid swim cap thing, but I love this picture. He looks so cute and like he doesn't know whether is something is good or not. Aww! ♥
This is kind of a weird face, but he looks really pumped up. Or laughing. IDK
I'm not sure who this Marlin is, but I love the way that José is clinging to him like a little kid!
HanRam/José? Hmm....could be interesting....José's smile here :D
That boy has amazing legs. Obviously, for all that base stealing, but they are nice to stare at too...xD But yeah, they look best when he's running. It's amazing to watch him push his legs to a high level and succeed!
Like a kid ♥ I love the fun attitude he brings to the Mets.
Back in the DR, just chillin' 8) I love how all the kids are flocking to him!
In the rain- so pretty!
The cute thumbs up! The high socks! *melts*
His surprised look is so cute!
"Hey, only David's allowed to be in this position with me!" ....IDK.
Best ass in the major leagues, Y/Y?
I think all that Hello!Project has given me a peace sign fetish xD
He always makes this face when he's sliding. It's kinda silly, but cute. It's better than Davey and his tongue! xD
ZOMG NO SHIRT ♥ ♥ ♥ Though I've always wondered about that tattoo on his bicep- it doesn't weird out his wife the legal one, not Davey during sexy tiemz to see the face of one of their kids? I love tattoos though! José also has a tiger, a bird (I think), and a spiderweb- that last one's my favorite.
Just thinking! :) I love the signed AS jersey in the back- I can imagine him going up to every player with the jersey, like it's a yearbook on the last day of school. xD
Have I told you guys that this is the background on my computer at my mom's house? Because it is. It looks like José's about to pull Davey off to bed. And Davey's hand curled around José's hip ♥ ♥ I don't know what to think of this other that, "they're fucking." xD
lol They look like a gay mafia. José actually looks pretty hot in those low-cut, tight jeans, even if they do have flairs. I don't want to talk about Davey's outfit though. Okay, at least it's not *shudder* ~~the headband~~
The look on José's face here is so sweet! This is no man-hug, bbs, this is full-out chest-to-chest, arms all the way around hugging!
The title, with that cover, makes it look like a book about gay lovin' in the Mets' clubhouse xD
lol it looks like José just proposed to Davey, who's all shy with a hand to his heart. Aw boys, we all know that you are ~secretly married!!!!! xD
It looks like Davey's about wrap his arm around José's waist and kiss his temple, or whisper something romantic in his ear. Oh boys....♥
Laughing before the game- cute!
See, even Newsday knows they are a couple! xD
Welp, I guess we know which one's the top. Not that I didn't know- I mean, have you seen José's ass? Davey's definitely more feminine though, so he only tops in bed xD
Clearly, Davey has seen José's ass.
Oofuri much? See, Davey and José love the postseason! Let's go back! xD
Adventures in Poor Fashion, starring José Reyes and David Wright. Okay, I actually kind love José's weird blingee shirt...xD
Aww, Davey comforting his boyfriend! Davey's so loving, it's sweet~~~
Flirting while shooting an AS commercial. I can totally imagine them teasing each other, especially Davey with that camera! And that last picture...innuendo much? xD OT, but look at the Pirate in the background- JayBay! ♥
The loving way that José's looking at Davey...sigh....
Like little kids....
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