Hi! I will be doing my UStream drawing session tonight at 9PM EST! The channel is
here! I already have up a test video of me drawing Barnaby from Tiger & Bunny, but it has a really chaky camera and often the part of the drawing I'm working on is out of camera, so it's not that interesting. I'm about to work on keeping myself more in camera is the test video I'm about to do, so you'll be able to see my drawing the entire time during the actual stream.
Here is what one can request-
1. Portrait bust, one or two characters
2. Chibis
3. Single full-figure character in a simple standing pose (tell me what pose one wants, and I'll tell you if I can do it)
They will be inked, and colored. Please realize that these stipulations are to ensure that the image will be something I can do simply and quickly. If you want the picture I made for you, please email me at ichigoberry15 at gmail dot com with "UStream" in the subject, and in the body what you requested and your address, and I will try to get it to you ASAP. If not, then I plan to use it as a sample commission at my Artist's Alley table at NYAF.
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