Sep 13, 2005 17:00
I am officially the biggest nerd of all time.
I just had a conversation with my calc prof (who also happens to be the head of the math dept). I explained to him how very easy all this is for me, and since I want to be a math major I would like to be in a higher-level class. He agrees that I am too skilled for this class, and so we plotted how to get me where I should be on the track to a math major. Basically it involves taking multi-variable calc and differential eq's classes at UWF this summer. My prof. said he would let me challenge the class (meaning I could take every test and exam right now to prove I would pass it with flying colors), but Duke doesn't allow that. Anyway, we are plotting together. He rocks.
Proof that standardized tests are very stupid, since I am the best at calc in that class and I have the lowest test scores. Sheesh.
Oh, I got a 100 on the lab report. Only one other group did. So now my lab partners (again, the same lousy ones who dumped that report on me last time), are all excited. They kept saying, "We love this lab group! We don't want a new one." I wanted to say, "You mean you love the work that I did because you are dumb and I am smart." I personally cannot wait to be in a new lab group.
Well, gotta run. Lauren, I shall travel to Vanderbilt for Halloween just to see your friends dressed as the gods. You should dress as Zeus when he comes to Europa as in the form of a Taurus...Yes.