Sep 11, 2005 13:31
I ate brunch with a couple of Brits today.
One of the Brits (his name is Nathan) applied to Yale (like me!) and got rejected (like me!). That makes me feel better. Nathan told me how the standardized test in the UK is way harder than the SAT (in his humble opinion, of course). He also said that the British perception of American students is that we are dumb. How comforting.
There are 75 people from the UK here at Duke. I have met three of them so far.
That Lithuanian guy that I thought was on the basketball team is indeed. Our basketball team is comprised of black people and Eastern Europeans.
I am feeling miserably ill. Someone has been abusing me.
So, Duke played Virginia Tech yesterday in football. Not surprisingly, we lost. We didn't even score. Why do we even waste money on a football team when we have the best college basketball team in the nation?
The coach of the basketball team has this crazy Polish name. It makes me laugh.
I need more fruit snacks. Somehow they all disappeared.
The TA in my calc class (he's a math grad student I suppose) is also some crazy foreigner. He is really nice. I want to ask him where he is from, but that would be rude. His name (this is the best part) is Murat Yahya. How cool is that?
I bonded with my calc professor the other day. He is a big math history nerd (like Mr. Bish). He didn't know, however, that Leibniz was a ladies' man and that Newton's proudest claim was that (at 70) he died a virgin. Then my calc prof. told me this story:
There was this really smart math dude who was just 19 and had already developed a new branch of mathematics. He was also involved in this crazy love triangle--he and another dude both liked this one girl. He finally challenged the other dude to a duel. He realized that he would probably die in the duel, so he made sure to write out all the proofs for his mathematical theory just in case he did die. Well, lo and behold, he did. At least he cranked that math out in time. Talk about some weird priorities.
My calc prof. said that this story is evidence of how really smart people can lack common sense.