Jul 27, 2004 19:06
Hush my darling, don't you cry...
I drove today, guys. Finally went and got that license a few days ago. I still don't like driving, though.
Well kids, if you have a hankering to be on TV, come to UWF (Thurs. July 29) at 2:00 PM. We're filming a commercial for the big Choose or Lose project I'm in charge of (Choose or Lose is the MTV version of Rock the Vote, but way cooler). We'll be in bldg. 36 (the Communication Arts building). It's across from Pace Library. You'll probably want to park near the commons because it's just a little walk past the commons to the building. I'll try to have signs every so often so if you get lost you won't have to give up all hope of superstardom. There's no requirement other than you have to be between the ages of 13-25. And this puppy will be airing at least 800 times on all the networks Cox carries, so your face will be viewed by the masses of Pensacola. Anyway, we need you. You're our only hope.
Just to give you an idea:
-You will be given a script with a part highlighted. You will have some time to memorize that part (it's just one short line) and then you will have a filmed practice and then do the real thing.
-You do not get to pick which part you will say. We're just handing out scripts so that your part is determined strictly by your place in line.
-We will have a room for you to practice in, although like I said it's only one line so you shouldn't have a hard time.
-If you're under 18, your parent/guardian will need to sign a waiver there. If you go to the Pensacola community lj, Brad should have a form there and you can just print it and get it signed now rather than making your parents come. But, if Brad fails to put it online, you're outta luck and you'll just have to drag the parental units along. A small price to pay for fame.
-A helpful hint: we're filming in front of a white background, so DO NOT wear white. You will not only look washed out, but you'll also blend in. Camera-friendly colors are those that look good on you but aren't too harsh or bright. Stay away from wearing a light brown or khaki top if you're Caucasian and a dark brown or black top if you're African-American (you don't want to look naked. Or, maybe YOU do, but we don't want you to).
That's all I have for today guys.
So don't forget:
2:00, bldg. 36, UWF.
Get a waiver or grab a parent.
Be there.