The Adventures of Jo Harvelle...Part Sixteen Thru

Jun 24, 2020 18:48

The Adventures of Jo Harvelle
post-Season 2

Dean and Jo began sleeping together and after a few weeks of having casual sex, they get drunk and decide to go to Las Vegas. They drunkenly get married and then began to realize they're falling for each other. What's below is their IM conversations and what happens to the huntress....

Parts One Through Four

Parts Five Through Seven

Parts Eight Through Ten

Parts Eleven Through Fifteen

Part Sixteen:

A Blonde and A Redhead Enter A Party
Jo glanced over at Beau. He sat watching her. She offered him a small smile before opening the car door. He grabbed her hand stopping her.

She looked over at Beau confused. He was holding a death grip on her arm. It kinda hurt. Jo tried to pull her arm, but he held it still.

"What?" Jo asked getting a little annoyed. She saw something unrecognizable flash in Beau's eyes, but as soon as it came it was gone and it was just Beau in there.

"Sorry, just be careful," Beau said letting go Jo's arm. A red spot remained from his tight grip. Jo didn't say anything getting out his car. She was a little freaked out by his display, but she had a case to work on. Girls were walking towards the large house, guys lined the streets watching all the girls walk in.

Jo heard her share of rude comments from drunk or tipsy guys, but she ignored them spotting a lone redhead standing in the yard of the house looking a little lost.

"I had the same thought coming over here," Jo said standing next to the redhead. The redhead turned to look at Jo who smiled at her. The redhead turned back to the house. The blonde was gorgeous and would definitely get in. The redhead aka Ellie to everyone else was worried about her chances. All her female relatives had gotten into Kappa Kappa Gamma and if Ellie didn't make it in she'd be dead to them.

"What that this place was gonna be the life or death of me?" Ellie said staring directly at the building. Jo looked at the girl. Her mind was made up. This redhead needed to be nowhere near this sorority.

"No, I was debating whether I wanted to say fuck it and go for ice cream," Jo said with a grin. Ellie smiled, but turned back to the building.

"I'm Jenn. Jenn Harvey," Jo said holding out her hand. The redhead had been the first she'd met here she was actually happy to meet. Ellie shook her hand.

"Ellie," Ellie said with a small smile. Jenn seemed nice, but she knew that the sisters would take Jenn over Ellie any day of the week.

"Come on, we'll face this demon together," Jo said with a shrug. Jo wanted to tell the girl to run, but she could tell the girl's mind was made up. So if Ellie was gonna pledge this damn sorority Jo was gonna have her back, till the end.

Ellie nodded deciding that maybe if she hung around with Jenn, she'd have a better chance of getting in. The two girls walked into the party for two very different reasons.

Part Seventeen:

I Kissed A Girl Because Some Creepy Witches Made Me
The meet and greet was classier than Jo had imagined. Someone took their coats at the door. They were standing in a huge living room. Pastel wallpaper covered the walls which made Jo wanna vomit. Girls were scattered in the room, no more than thirteen in total not including their gracious hosts. A pink sofa sat in the middle of the room facing a stage and opposite a staircase. A single door sat in the back of the large room. She assumed it went back into the kitchen.

Ellie was dressed in a flowered dress which was a hell of a lot more conservative that Jo's dress. Ellie stared wide-eyed at Jo's dress.

"Wow, I could never wear that," Ellie said shocked. Jo blushed a little, trying to shrug it off. She leaned and whispered: "Truthfully, I didn't think I ever would until tonight." Ellie gave Jo an odd look, but she didn't have time to focus on it because it looked like the welcoming committee had noticed their entrance.

A brunette wearing a barely there white dress came up to the girls with a huge grin on her face. Jo recognized the girl from her photo as Lucy. The youngest of the girls and probably the most slutty according to Ash.

"You must be Jenn, look at the dress. You look so fuckable girl, I might drag you upstairs," Lucy said slapping Jo's ass hard. Jo's eyes filled with shock at the girl's touch. She glanced at Ellie who was equally as shocked.

"Who's your friend?" Lucy said turning her attention to Ellie, "mmm we don't have a redhead yet." Lucy said reaching over and tucking a strand of Ellie's hair behind her ear. Ellie looked like she wanted to scream.

"Uh..this is Ellie. She's cool," Jo said hoping Lucy would leave her alone. Luckily another sorority sister joined their party at the entrance. A blonde, Faith, Jo recognizing her. She instantly gave Jo a death glare. Whoa, back the fuck up Jo thought.

"Faith, this is Heather's favorite Jenn and her cute friend Ellie," Lucy said winking at Ellie who looked like she wanted to run. Faith continued to glare at Jo while she sipped her water.

"Right, well tell this Jenn that we have our blonde quota already so she should just leave now," Faith said still glaring. Ellie glanced at Jo who was about ready to punch Faith. Blonde quota? Really? Jo was gonna enjoy stabbing this bitch.

"She's lying. She just thinks there only needs to be one blonde," Lucy said with a grin. She saw Heather and waved her over. Heather glided over to the girls smiling politely at them.

"Glad to see you showed Jennifer. Hope my girls are being welcoming," Heather said not dropping her gaze from Ellie and Jo. It seemed that she was looking both girls directly in the eyes at the same time.

"Ahh and you must be Elieen Donalds," Heather said with a small smile. Ellie nodded.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Ellie asked. Heather smiled warmly at Ellie which gave Jo the creeps. This Heather girl was bad news.

"The Donalds girls are legends around here. Come on in ladies, make yourselves at home," Heather said, then went back to mingling among the other girls. Lucy leaned in and gave each girl a kiss on the cheek before walking away.

That left Faith glaring at Jo who glared right back. Jo grabbed Ellie's hand and lead her away from Faith before she punched her.

"Are you okay?" Jo asked as soon as they were out of earshot of Faith. Ellie smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, Heather Steinway knew who I," Ellie said shaking her head. Jo sighed. So there fell another fly into Heather's trap, but Jo would make sure Ellie came out of this alive.

Jo was about to say something when Heather stood up on the little stage that had been placed opposite the staircase. A large pink sofa sat in between the stage and the staircase.

"Welcome girls. I'm Heather your chapter president for Kappa Kappa Gamma. If you all want to take a seat, that'd be great," Heather said brightly. Ellie instantly sat down on the sofa. Jo stood behind her eying the wannabe pledges around her. Roxanne was standing to the left of the stage in a stunning red dress. Lucy and Faith stood on the other side, Faith still glaring at Jo.

There was a table of snacks including cupcakes, chips, punch, and various other goodies. Jo realized she was starving and a cupcake was looking pretty good right now.

"We have plenty of snacks so help yourself," Heather said referring to the table. Nobody moved, except Jo. She slowly reached over and grabbed a cupcake much to the surprise of the entire room. Heather merely grinned at her while everyone else stared at her.

Jo forgot girls didn't eat nowadays. She didn't understand that, but she dug into the delicious cupcake anyway.

"It's so nice to see so many eager pledges. As you know our official recruitment day is tomorrow, but I want you all to know that you're all our new pledges," Heather said sounding like a proud mother. This garnered some cheering from the girls. Ellie looked relieved and happy. Fuck Heather and her witches for giving these girls evil hope.

"Tomorrow's just a formality. But just because you're pledges does not mean you're in so I expect you ladies to be here bright and early to move in tomorrow morning," Heather said narrowing her gaze to each of the girls. The room fell silent again, man this girl was good. Jo had no idea what kind of voodoo she was working, but whatever it was Heather was controlling the entire room.

"Which brings me to our first party of the year," Heather said returning to grinning face. This garnered more excited cheers from the girls. Jo glanced around at the excited girls trying to figure out which ones which need the most protection. Ellie definitely topped her list, she also noticed a young brunette looking out of place and a girl with blonde streaks in her hair. Jo knew she needed to protect them all, but those three stood out most to her and she made a mental note to keep them close.

"This is probably the most important party of the year. We only invite a select few to this party. My sisters and I choose the guests very carefully for these are men you will seduce and eventually kill by the end of the quarter," Heather said calmly. Jo had refrain herself from looking surprised, shocked, disgusted, or every other feeling she was feeling. All the girls nodded as if Heather told them they had to bake cookies.

This bitch was good. Really good. She had an entire room of girls under her spell. And the sad thing was only two of them would make it into the sorority, the rest were just there for her entertainment she guessed.

"Now your marks will be chosen tomorrow by the response you get from recruitment day. So make sure you mingle and the more of an outcast the guy is the easier the seduction will be. And then those twenty men will be here for our party," Heather said. It took everything she had not to stab the knife that was strapped to Jo's upper thigh into Heather's chest.

"After they arrive tomorrow night, you will feed them and make sure they drink. Especially the Jello shots. Every male must have at least one Jello shot, more is recommended but one is required," Heather said as she began to pace the length of the stage as if she was a general talking to her troops.

"That will be your first task. Getting your mark to drink. Next will be your first challenge of seduction. Each pledge is required to serenade their mark with a karaoke song of our choosing," Heather said still pacing the stage. Jo threw up in her mouth a little bit, karaoke, really? God, this was gonna suck more than she had thought.

"After you complete your seduction, we have to test your mark's attachment to you. This will be done by a staged set up which will vary depending on your mark's personality. Whatever the situation will be it will end in your mark fighting someone. If he wins, you have successfully seduced your mark," Heather said with a smile.

Jo held her dislike for Heather and croonies by keeping a content smile on her face. She couldn't believe what this witch was going to put these men and the girls through. She had never wanted to stab somebody so much in her life.

With her instructions being stated, Heather got off the stage. "Enjoy the party ladies. Oh and one more important note. No Kappa Kappa Gamma sister is allowed to drink alcohol. Now yes it may seem like we get drunk a lot, but it is all just an act. Not once in this chapter's history has a sister gotten drunk and stayed a Kappa Kappa Gamma," Heather said sternly.

As if the spell had been lifted, girls began chatting with each other excitedly about the party. Ellie turned and faced Jo with an excited grin on her face.

"Can you believe it? We're both Kappa Kappa Gamma pledges!" she said throwing her arms around Jo, hugging her tight. Jo hugged the girl back as Lucy decided she was going to join in.

"I'm so proud of you girls!" Lucy said letting go of the girls, not before slapping Jo's ass again. Ellie and Jo watched Lucy walk away.

"That girl has a serious fascination with my ass," Jo said shaking her head. Ellie giggled her pale face flushed. Jo liked Ellie which made her hate Heather even more. Music started to play and girls started to relax again and then a strange thing happened. Girls started giving each other kisses. Not full on tongue action, but enough to make someone notice. Before she could even think, Ellie planted one on Jo who couldn't hide her surprise.

She had never kissed a girl despite her claims to Dean. She was more shocked than anything by it. But it seemed to be over before it began and everyone went about their business.

"Uh oh, looks like someone forgot!" Roxanne's voice rang out from the other side of the room. Conversation stopped as the lyrics from the song could be heard:

Us girls we are so magical,
Soft skin, red lips, so kissable.
Hard to resist, so touchable.
Too good to deny it.
Ain't no big deal, it's innocent.

Jo was so confused as to what was going on, she grabbed Ellie to ask her, but Ellie like the rest of the room was watching Roxanne and the young brunette Jo had spotted earlier. Jo lowered her hand, ready to grab for her knife if needed.

"Now you Christina because you forgot our golden rule here at Kappa Kappa Gamma have to make out with someone of our choosing," Roxanne said with a smug grin Jo wanted to smack off her face. What the hell was going on here?

"Faith honey, I believe it's your choice," Heather's voice said from a group of girls behind Jo. Jo turned and looked at Heather who merely watched the events as if she were watching a baseball game.

Faith approached Christina who was blushing deeply. She glanced about the room, her eyes settling on Jo. She smiled that smug smile Roxanne had on. Jo was perfectly ready to stab Faith.

"How about the other blonde in the room?" Faith said raising an eyebrow. Jo glanced around having no idea what she was supposed to do.

"Lucy doll will please explain to our new pledge our tradition? I don't think she knows about it," Heather said calmly. Lucy emerged out of nowhere right next to Jo placing a hand on Jo's shoulder and squeezing it lightly.

"Every time Katy Perry's I Kissed A Girl comes on, you have to kiss the nearest girl and if you forget you have to make out with the girl of our choosing," Lucy said touching Jo's neck which made her feel like elbowing the girl in the face. She leaned in and planted one small kiss on Jo's neck. "The first time you forget, you're mine Jenny," she whispered.

"What Lucy meant to say is that Christina forgot about our tradition and Faith has chosen you to make out with her," Heather said annoyed with Lucy's behavior. Lucy gave Jo a little push and Jo found herself walking towards Christina who looked scared stiff. Jo gulped deciding well it was now or never right. She had already kissed a girl, why not add a little tongue too.

She leaned and kissed Christina trying to imagine she was kissing Dean and not another girl. Jo made sure to put on a show for the girls. Luckily the time passed quickly and everyone was cheering her and Christina's name.

Jo wiped some lip gloss off her lips as the group's attention went back to the party. She turned and looked at Christina who smiled brightly at Jo.

"Christina, you're Jenn right?" the brunette asked holding out her hand. Jo gladly shook it. They had already kissed, why not get acquainted too?

"Yeah. Nice to meet you, nice kissing skills too," Jo said with a smile. Christina blushed as Ellie joined them.

"That was impressive Jenn. No girl has ever gone full frontal like that," Ellie said shaking her head. Jo shrugged. Had to be a first time for everything.

"I'm just glad it wasn't with Lucy," Jo said quietly enough just so Ellie and Christina. Both girls giggled as Jo glanced around the party some more. Christina and Ellie began talking about the sorority some more and Jo chose this opportunity to do some exploring.

"I'll be right back," Jo said to the girls and made her through the only door in the living room besides the front door. She was right the door opened to a lavish kitchen with marble counter tops and stainless steel appliances. Jo wondered how much money this had all cost, but then remembered the girls had a unlimited supply of funds through their spellbound marks.

Jo glanced back towards the door she came through making sure she hadn't been followed. She turned back her attention to the empty kitchen. It was brightly lit and contained a large dining room table and an island with three bar stools. A sliding door looked like it led out to a backyard. Two doors remained at the very back of the kitchen.

The door Jo had come through opened behind her and Jo nearly jumped out of her skin. She whirled around to see Heather watching Jo.

"It's pretty incredible isn't it?" Heather said walking around Jo as if to show off the kitchen. Jo had never been impressed with material things, except for the occasional weapon. Why waste all that money when something that did the same job cost a hell of a lot less. The Roadhouse certainly didn't have anything nearly as fancy as this, but hunters loved the food anyway.

"Yeah, it's beautiful," Jo said lying. She honestly hadn't been impressed with anything she'd seen in this house. She was on a case, not looking for her dream home.

"I'm glad you decided to come Jenn. I think you're gonna be a great addition to our chapter," Heather said with a smile, she then sat down on one the barstools. Feeling awkward, Jo sat down on one the dining room chairs.

"Really?" Jo asked feinting surprise. She knew Heather liked her, it was all part of the plan.

"Oh yes. I'm anxious to see who we find for your mark tomorrow," Heather said almost pondering to herself. Jo glanced around the room wanting to know what the hell was behind those two back doors.

"And don't worry, I'll personally make sure he's gorgeous," Heather said with a smug smile. Oh great, just what she needed. A gorgeous guy she'd have to cheat on Dean with. Peachy.

Jo grinned, feinting happiness and relief. She hated Heather, she hated this whole place mostly wanting to burn it to the ground. "Good, nothing worse than an ugly guy," Jo said. Heather nodded knowingly. Inside Jo was screaming, but outwardly she remained calmed and composed.

"What's out there?" Jo asked motioning to the sliding door. Better to save the mystery doors for when she was alone in the house. Heather smiled.

"My favorite part of the house," Heather said standing up. Jo followed suit and followed her as she lead Jo out through the sliding door.

There was a large brick patio with a BBQ and several lounge chairs. Off in one corner was a mid-level white picket fence, hiding something. Jo thought she heard water and looked at Heather who just merely smiled.

"That's our hot tub. The most popular feature of the house. The fence is just low enough so people can see you, but what you're doing. It's highly recommended for you to bring your mark," Heather said raising an eyebrow. So basically Jo would have to seduce a complete stranger, drag him to the hot tub, and have sex with him. This night just kept getting better and better.

Cat calls brought back Jo's thoughts to the backyard. Guys across the yard were waving at her and Heather. Heather waved back smiling.

"Let 'em dream Jenn, they'll never get us," Heather said with a cold tone that made Jo shiver. With her business being done, Heather turned her heel and walked back into the house. Jo stood outside for a few moments longer trying to keep herself calm. All she wanted to do was destroy the witch and maybe to go Mexico with her non-boyfriend, was that too much to ask for?

Characters Appearing in These Parts


Tammy (unnamed)
Dean (mentioned only)

part seventeen, adventures of jo harvelle, tv: supernatural, !fic, part sixteen

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